The Reconciliation

Hello all. I'm Okiki, a poet and lover of God. Warm greetings from me to you on a beautiful day such as this. Grateful for the fellowship of brethren. I'm new to this community. So I thought to make my presence know with this post.

In as much I would have loved to say that I found Christ. The truth is that Christ found me. Through his redeeming love that restores from death. I was at the bring of death due to a chronic asthmatic attack but he brought me back. He doesn't matter how many times we slip away he always brings us back!

Christ has reconciled us to him in so many ways. So I wrote this to tell us about this reconciliation that we have in him.

I hope you enjoy.


Sometimes before AD
men were gallivanting with hearts
consumed with sin and lust.
Baked by hatred and envy
they bite into each other with thirst,
àfi bî eranko ìgbé
(just like animals).

Then came a man
from the tribe of David
who with a heart so avid
he came on a mission to
reconcile a defiant generation.
Nìpasè èjè tó n sán
(through the blood that flows).

Then here we are, benefitting
from a special breed of grace
unavailable to those of the BC.
Send a broadcast will you,
Jé kí ayé gbó
(let the world hear it),
for he did it, finished it,
because he loves you.

A poem by OKIKI ©



I love this! The flavor you add of injecting the English with another language is refreshing (though I appreciate the translation below). Great job!