Meditations: "Will You Revive Us Again?"

in Christian Fellowship5 years ago (edited)

On the 5th Sunday since receiving the first indication the United States of America was going to begin "locking down" in the face of COVID-19, to what do we look for relief? For deliverance? Ultimately for hope?

Based on Image Source: Creator FSM-Team on Pixabay

In response this morning, I have a simple question for you, dear reader. When is the last time you heard anyone talk about revival? Spiritual revival?


American history has a number of examples of revival. For example, the First Great Awakening, in the 1730s and 1740s, has been credited by some with creating a spiritual foundation leading to the colonists fighting the Revolutionary War for deliverance from tyranny.

There have been a number of others. But when was the last one? How long ago? Why do they occur in the first place?

I am writing to touch a bit on these questions this morning.

Brief Personal History

While not intending to go into this in depth, as I have written about it before, the ministry of Dick Simmons and his Men for Nations organization has had a profound influence on my life. In March 1986, this Charismatic minister was allowed into the pulpit of our decidedly non-Charismatic church to bring us a message about ...


And challenged the men of our church to begin to meet in the mornings to pray for it ... Which I did for over 18 months ... Leading to my fateful trip to Washington, D.C. in April 1989, as briefly touched on in my "Blessings of Life" post ...

During this time, many studies were made of historic revivals all over the world. A favorite passage often referenced is found in my lead image:

"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."

2 Chronicles 7:13-16 [emphasis added mine]

One of the great questions many of us wrestle with is any variation of "why?" when bad things happen in the world around us and / or happen to us. What do these verses provide as an answer? And what does God clearly call us to do in response?

"Revive Us Again!"

In the face of adversity, you may be inclined, as many of us are, to be discouraged by thinking along the lines of:

"I am just one insignificant person. What can I do? What difference can I make?"

Are we not are clearly told, dear reader, His strength is perfected in our weakness? To emphasize this great Truth, here is a powerful and moving video (click hyperlink below image to activate ...) featuring Dr. Clarence Sexton, Pastor of Temple Baptist Church and Founder and President of The Crown College, in Tennessee.

Source: Dr. Clarence Sexton on "Revive Us Again!"

Once you have watched it, I would love to hear your reaction to the surprising and remarkable revelation you hear at the end of it.


Edit: 25 April 2020

For the second time, I have learned the video link I provided to you just above has been "taken down" ... You can read more about it here and here.

I highly recommend you ask yourselves some simple questions?

What are your
afraid you might learn?
From what are you being "protected?"

P.S. While I am 110% in support of this website (to which the links above will take you) saying whatever they want, as part of the First Amendment rights of any American citizen, I do not agree with all you might read on it.


The older I get, the more I believe only in the glory of eternity will we learn the identifies of those "old warriors in the faith" who changed history through their prayerful intercession and yet no one has ever heard of them.

Very personally and to the point, amongst them I expect to learn the identities of those who prayed for a little boy a long, long time ago, when I was barely more than a tot, in a little church in the Midwest. Where my father was a minister for a brief time ...

Whom do We Love? The "Benefits?" Or the "Benefitter?"

To make my point, I'll ask that you forgive whatever insolence you may find in my subheading above. And what point would that be @roleerob?

From a Christ-centered perspective and worldview, a case can be made the bane of man's existence is his response to prosperity. We just do not handle it well. At least for very long. Nor do we learn from our mistakes (see the Old Testament record ...), but seem eternally determined and, therefore, condemned to repeat them. And suffer the consequences ... Again ...

Source 1: Creator RitaE on Pixabay • Source 2: Creator Silberfuchs on Pixabay • Source 3: Creator TheAngryTeddy on Pixabay

Is there inherently anything wrong with enjoying the "goodies" of life? While not claiming to be wise enough to provide the perfect answer, I think for the most part the answer is no. As long as we don't succumb to finding our satisfaction in them and them alone, forgetting all about their Provider.

In His love for us and desire to bless us, I believe our Lord is even very happy to provide them! 🤗 Sadly, it is far too often (collectively) our fatal tendency to respond along the lines of ...

"Now that I have what I want, I'm good! I'll take it from here ..." 😌

In what state of prosperity do you think much of the world finds itself in today? At least found itself in the pre-COVID version of it? As we watch it steadily evaporating before our eyes, how are we responding?


As I touched on briefly in my Palm Sunday post, our Lord's people initially hailed Him as their long-promised King, upon His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Only to turn against Him and cry out for His crucifixion days later.

How on earth is that possible? I would suggest to you, dear reader, as at least part of the answer, they were focused far more on the assumed benefits "coming their way" vs. having any idea whatsoever about the Ultimate Source of them.


The world over, we are living in what are almost universally being referred to as "unprecedented" times. With the "Almighty State" in which we all live, in one way or another, jumping into action and promising to "save" us ...

Where does your sense of safety and security lie today? For "My people who are called by My name," where should it lie?

I encourage you, dear reader, to read the verses associated with this post's lead image. And to prayerfully consider that God has ordained what is happening all around us. The nations the world over are bankrupting themselves usurping His place and proclaiming they are going to "save us." If you are looking to them for deliverance from COVID-19, I highly recommend you reconsider where your focus should be.

I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Hivian @roleerob

🐝 🍯 🐝

Posted using PeakD and “immutably enshrined in the Hive blockchain” on Sunday, 19 April 2020!

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PeakD: An awesome interface for our Hive blockchain.

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Edit: 25 April 2020

For the second time, I have learned the video link I provided to you in this post has been "taken down" ... You can read more about it here and here.

I highly recommend you ask yourselves some simple questions?

What are your
afraid you might learn?
From what are you being "protected?"

P.S. While I am 110% in support of this website (to which the links above will take you) saying whatever they want, as part of the First Amendment rights of any American citizen, I do not agree with all you might read on it.


You are right about mankind doing the same mistakes over and over again...

About the rest of your questions, it's hard for me to answer since I am not a believer. I think that if God has ever existed, he's long gone and left us to our own devices. You can say that my view on that is close to Nietzsche's when he says that, for Man to be free, Man had to kill God, as that was the only way we could outlive our creator. 🤔

Who knows? Maybe I will find out when I am out of this world... maybe I won't. 🙄

Yes, my friend ...

"You are right about mankind doing the same mistakes over and over again..."

... we seem to be reaalllyyy ssslllloooowww when it comes to learning from our mistakes @trincowski. Not an evolutionist myself, but if I was, this by itself would cause me to wonder ...

"... since I am not a believer."

I appreciate your comfort with still commenting on my posts anyway. Certainly adds value to them and I always enjoy the interaction either way. As long as it is (relatively) civil and respectful, which has never been a problem with you.

I hope you and yours are doing okay in the midst of all that is going on. It is inconceivable to me the staggering costs so far are not going to cause long-term damage to our economies. The only question is how long-term or even permanent ...

I am okay, at least to some extent, with likening our dealing with COVID-19 to a war. I simply ask, though, when in human history man's response to a war was to hide under his bed and not come out ...

P.S. According to my handy, dandy world time aide, it is either very early or very late for you. Hope you are sleeping okay!

Yeah, it's 5 AM here... and I'm having trouble falling asleep. 🙃

Apart from that, everything is as normal as it could be. I'm staying home, on a forced break from work, until 4th of May... at least. After that, we have to wait for more info.

Wow ... So it is very, very late ... Well, not sure what you're going to do once the sun 🌄 starts coming up ... 😳 Hope you get some rest, so you can keep your strength up!

I'm going to "call it a day" here myself shortly and don't imagine I will have any trouble falling asleep. My challenge is typically more along the lines of waking up in the middle of the night and not getting back to sleep. Once my mind "engages," it is pretty much over ... 🙃

I don't know how I will solve this but lately there's a lot of noise around here. There are a lot of dogs in the neighbourhood and when one starts barking in the middle of the night, it won't be long until there are between 6 and 10 dogs barking like crazy.

Then I wake up and I can't fall asleep again... 🤪

Great post brother. I agree with you that what is happening around the world has a divine purpose in the midst of all the chaos, and I hope it draws us as Christians to seek His face more.

I’ve always been fascinated by revivals. I’ve never been part of a major revival movement, but hoping and praying I will be part of a revival in Australia or wherever God leads me.

Thank you brother. I appreciate you investing some time to let me know this post held some value for you. For months, in praying for and reflecting on revival, I hoped to experience it, but it was not to be. When He elects, in His sovereignty, to grant men repentance through revival is quite a study in history.

On the topic of revival, given this person's role on the world stage, what was your impression of the video on revival and the surprise revelation at the end?

The older I get, the more I long for the day when my "race" is over and in eternity we will no longer have questions, but all will be made perfectly clear. Over the years, I have quite a list of questions in anticipation of that time. 😉

Imagine what it will be like to have our Lord answer them, outside of any concern about constraints on time or any of the myriad issues which so easily cause us problems in this broken world. Just imagine ...

High on my list is hearing Him explain why men have shown, throughout history, that they just cannot seem to handle His blessings and the prosperity which comes from them. Not for any length of time. I have always wondered how the answer might provide more light and understanding on what happened in the Garden of Eden. Unlike us, formed in perfection and blessed with incomprehensible peace and prosperity in close harmony and fellowship with their Creator, they just couldn't stay there ...

Which brings up another question very high on my list. What was the amount of elapsed time between the end of Genesis, Chapter 2, and the beginning of Genesis, Chapter 3? 🙂

Those who do not believe in God will believe in God after the plague of God.
In particular, I want pagans and atheists from China, Japan and Korea to believe in God this time.Dear @roleerob, the Egyptian Pharaoh succumbed to the god after receiving 10 plagues.

Only God can save us!! He will protect His children.

Hello Dear Friend!! Excuse my delay, I'm finally answering here in Hive to your call to review the youtube link to "Revive us Again", youtube gives me this message:



However I can follow the links to the pages of Dr. Clarence Sexton. On youtube I can see other videos from him also, but not that particular one!

I'm already working online with the students, we are trying to somehow save the semester, maybe it will result in some fun at the end. We will see what's next for august in the school.

Hope everything is fine "there" my Dear Friend, many blessings for you and your family, much Love and Light!!

Yes, my dear friend, thank you for bringing this once again, to my attention. You may agree with me that this is highly unusual - the need to go back to our recent posts, to see if links provided are still valid.

permanently deleted. With these simple questions:You will find @leveuf, as your time and interest dictate, that I have now created an edit, to cover this link now being (as this is written ...)

What are your
afraid you might learn?
From what are you being "protected?"

May the Sovereign God of the universe watch over you and yours in whatever is coming!

They always find any way to delete a video if needed, even if some vague sound in the backround is the copyrighted music of a big company.
I´ve seen your edits, they express much!!

Send you more good thoughts and lots of hugs, @Roleerob!