I like your ideas. Would be great if we get more flexibility in what and how we show our content.
I can even imagine how cool it’ll be if we can fully customise our profile/blog page. I mean customisation by selecting from libraries look & feel as well as features. The ability to add to it ourselves. All in a way one doesn’t have to know anything about technology, software, code or complex settings. Basically a Graphical UI Creator. I can imagine this is ‘t easy to creste but could put HIVE in a great spotlight. When thinking the service is easy to use. Think again. The service need to be even easier to use. That is what peeps like.
Yes! absolutely!
I'd love to see the ability to customize your page. Not sure if you remember MySpace, but it was an early social media platform where you could add your custom background, font, embed songs, etc to your page, etc. I think it would be cool and I could totally see newcomers going wild over a censorship-resistant, monetizeable, self-sovereign,web 3.0 platform that you could express your individuality on without having to be a computer programmer.
MySpace: Absolutely! For some reason, they didn't make it too big. Well, it was for some time, but then this FB thingy took over. Not sure why. Maybe the simplicity of FB at its early start? When so, that would speak against making a more customisable HIVE front end. I know that simplicity is key in service experience. However, HIVE can use some more cool UI look&feel. Anyways, let's see who will pick up the task for a super flexible and customisable blog frontend ;) Maybe you?