So you are learning how to code??
Goooood Man!
This "finding stuff " issue..
It seems it is much more complicated than a coding ignorant would think!
I just started to understand the complexity of a search engine when the @Veews guys presented the idea in a #CTT. I didnt think something like this was necesary at all! I thought it came integrated easily in any frontend. So far from reality! In peakd and 3speak that are the ones I use the most .. search results can annoy me so much! Even when I know I Tagged some post in a way I search AND it doesn't find it.. or.. it comes way down after many nothing to do stuff.. even the search box in 3speak Is difficult to find Man!!!
Way to go. So I'm glad you are getting into Python!!! Hahahaha
We need Hive e-mail, we need Hive discord!!! Hive everything!!!
We are still very early and many things don't work as seamlessly as technologies developed by closed-source corporate giants. It's OK. I will continue to use my #freedomtools despite their current shortcomings. It would be nice if things were more easily searchable (and findable) though :)
I am very slowly getting into coding, yes haha. It just seems like it's a skill I can learn from. If I'm able to become a medium-tier programmer, maybe I can build a very small program with a solution to a very specific problem. Who knows. For now, I'm just learning for the sake of knowledge.