Feedback HiveDIY 2% Beneficiary added without posting in that community

in Hive.IO Communitylast month (edited)

Magically appearing beneficiaries.png

Something weird

So today I had something weird, I don't think I ever had this issue before and as I spoke to a friend, she mentioned having something similar recently, so we tried to figure out what caused this to happen. Upon comparing several posts, we only had more questions though. The posts where it happened have in common that they were published from the @peakd frontend but both used totally different communities.

Benefiary added without me doing this

So I know about the option where you can add a benefiary to your content, I've used it and I also know that you can remove it manually. Some communities ask this from you, which is their own right, and I can personally decide if I want to add this or not. If I don't and this is against community rules, then I can pick another community. But this is still all my own choice, which I think is the way it should be.

Today my post had a 2% beneficiary to @hivediy appear on my post without me adding it.

To me this is concerning because first of all, I didn't use their community OR tag at all, I noticed they have this in their community rules:


Again, would be fine if I used their community, but I haven't even used the tag #hivediy in my post! Still, if I had that tag used, as far as I know, this shouldn't trigger a magically appearing 2% benefiary to @hivediy, right? Or did I miss some update on Hive?

Let's check out some things

Naturally, I want to get to the bottom of this because again, if I choose to add a beneficiary that's fine, but I don't fancy publishing (an example) precious metals content in the future and then having a totally unrelated HiveDIY community take a 2% cut from it in the future. So I want to know what happened and what triggered it.

First, here's my post from an hour ago:


More info:

So normally, this post shouldn't have a #HiveDiy beneficiary unless I add it, right? @coinjoe made a great point in the SSG community chat, to check my default beneficiaries:


I would have found it very strange if there was one without me adding it, but it didn't hurt to check it.

A friend with a similar case, also 2% to @hivediy

As I mentioned this weird thing in my chat with @hetty-rowan, she said she had a similar thing recently. I asked if I could share her post here to compare and get more data to see what's causing it.


More info:

What triggered it?

Our tags and community are not the same, so it can't be an issue in the ladiesofhive community, seems more @peakd related to be honest. I'm tagging @crimsonclad because I noticed you're a team member of this community and it seemed the best pick for this issue. If there would have been a better one, leave me a comment please so I can take note for any possible issues in the future.

One last comparison

@Hetty-rowan mentioned her last post where there is a DIY tag added (but last tag this time) but the 2% beneficiary wasn't triggered there. I'm leaving it here for comparison as well because it could be relevant.


More info:

Who knows what triggers these beneficiaries?

If something changed on Hive where some sort of tags trigger some benefiary to be added, I would love to see that list of tags so I can decide if I want to use them or not.

Again, I didn't use their community, I didn't even use their tag! This feels super random and strange. Anyone who can point me in the right direction, please do.

Tagging @jarvie here as well because I suspect it's an issue in Peakd. Thanks in advance for the help!

EDIT: In the comments from Jarvie, you can see what's probably caused this, take note in case you often write drafts and change the community you selected..

The header image is created with Canva Pro and the other pictures are from my content (with link) as well as @hetty-rowan's content, with her permission and linked to the post.


Thanks for making this post and genuine question. It's a strange thing for me too. I'm 100% sure I didn't notice the beneficiary before posting because I always check if all settings are as I want them.

OK let's work with a few key points:

  • The beneficiary cannot happen (blockchain rules that can't be broken) unless when you post that post you had that beneficiary listed in the post you sent to the blockchain. So therefore we can safely assume it was there... Therefore the question is... How did it get there?

The c/hivediy community requires a 2% one but you didn't post there. You posted in another community that doesn't require a beneficiary to @hivediy ... i assume i understand this correctly right?

To me the first thing that comes to mind (I was not there of course) is that it's a high likelihood that

  1. You worked on a post inside that diy community (sometimes we just start our posts in random places OR we start a post with one idea and delete it all and start writing a different post for a different community) and then switched the community target location but the beneficiary was already set and you didn't decide to change it.
  2. I don't remember if templates cary the beneficiary we could test that or maybe @asgarth can answer it much faster than the test.

That's my start of brainstorming hope it helps. I feel like you're more curious than unhappy... but just in case i gave a big upvote also because it was an interesting subject to think about. thanks for the shoutout

Hey @jarvie,

Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it.

I think it's possible that I started writing it in the HiveDIY community, I surely can't rule it out because it happens a lot that I select a community, create a draft and edited a few times.

This draft was there for several days, so forgive me for not being sure where I started it at the time. But I surely can't rule out that I started in HiveDIY seeing it's a DIY/craft post.

To me, at least for my post, this would be the most likely explanation, especially considering the fact that you mentioned "blockchain rules can't be broken" (good to know, haha) because I surely don't have the knowledge to rule out these things..

I also wanted to make sure no new things were implemented without me knowing about it, as I surely couldn't rule out the fact that I may have missed some stuff here and there..

In terms of templates, I don't use them anymore so this would not explain my post, but I'm curious about @hetty-rowan's post, wondering if she also possibly started a draft in the community and changed it later.

And you're right, I mean what's done is done, I didn't expect to see this 2% back now but I am curious to know what caused it so I can take this in account into account in the future. To be honest, I have started drafts in other communities tons of times, to change it later, never has it occured to me that a beneficiary could stick in that content (so the speak) so that's a good lesson to check before hitting publish!

Thanks for your quick brainstorming, it seems that this is most likely the answer I was looking for.

And thanks for the vote :)

thanks for the response/recap

Well, thank you for helping me find answers quickly. I really didn't understand but as I said, it makes total sense that this is the reason.

Learning every day :)

Hey @jarvie, that could be an explanation maybe, but for me, it's not the answer I was hoping for because I am 100% sure I didn't start writing my post in the hivediy community. Unlike many others, I usually start writing a post without choosing a community. When I have my post ready I choose the community from my list of communities in peaked. So I appreciate your thoughts, but this is not the case for me.

SOrry I couldn't be more help earlier. Hope you figure it out.

No worries, you tried to think along, I appreciate it!

I am frequently seeing all sorts of things like this and I'm clueless how they even happened. But if it makes you some extra cash I never complain! Now I just need to figure out how to get appreciator to appreciate me (like that will ever happen!)

You mean you have some issues yourself with beneficiaries you didn't add?

It doesn't make me some extra cash, in fact, a community account that I didn't even use or tag now gets 2% of my rewards, which sucks.


How did that happen?

That is really weird. Hope they get the issue sorted out.

Yes, but it seems Jarvie's comment makes total sense. I probably did exactly what he wrote, considering it was a draft being there for days..

I will keep an eye on it, if it happens again though, for now I'm convinced this must have been it..


Very strange…..

Seems Jarvie answered a very possible cause of the issue, I'm going to monitor it to check if it doesn't happen again.. But for now, I'm ok thinking that is the reason..


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