HBD on Bittrex - what is going on?

Hello there,

I just wondered why it has been impossible to deposit HBD tokens to Bittrex for a very long time. Is this something caused by Bittrex, or is there some other reason for this to take place? I really miss the trading pair, and it would be great to see it back alive, which only will be possible for me if I am able to deposit HBD to Bittrex :)

hbd bittrex.jpg

So, would love to hear some input and answers to this question if anyone knows more than me!


Start sending them emails about the pairs and they'll get to fixing it. I've done so myself in the past to make them actually aware, and it doesn't take them too long to fix things shortly after.

I did actually get a bit of an answer from them regarding downtime once: they mentioned it was automated and sometimes they aren't really aware since they think they're waiting for the coin developers to contact them about network changes.

Okay, might have to try something like that then. Would be nice to be able to deposit some HBD to Bittrex again! :)

Bittrex has been anything but reliable in recent months.
It is easier to count the days when deposits/withdrawals were available than the other way around.
Something you can do is to convert your HBD into HIVE

I know, have swapped quite some here on the platform, so maybe that is the solution in the long term if they don't fix it :) Thanks for the tip!

You're welcome @unbiasedwriter

BTW, I noticed I miss your witness vote 😢
Would you mind casting one to me? It would be much appreciated!

I think you should try contacting the Admin for extra help