One Strong Community - Explained 2023 | Update on Internship

in One Strong2 years ago
Authored by @boycharlieplays

Hive One Strong Community Logo.png

One Strong Community

On June 21, 2020, the One Strong Community "blockchain community feed" was created to showcase the One Strong Community Programs' posts and content to its membership.

We see the value of the Hive blockchain's ability to fundraise, incentivize interactions, and provide censorship-free content creation.

In addition, One Strong Community wants to give creatives and interested bloggers the ability to support one another through social media funding established in a community forum.

What makes up the One Strong Community?

The One Strong Page page acts as the voice(Hive blog and wallet account) that organizes information on the One Strong Foundation and the One Strong Community Program.

The One Strong Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports individuals, artists, and stakeholders with creative development projects & ideas in mind for their organizations and communities.

The One Strong Community Program implements activities, events, and other opportunities for community membership by the foundation's mission.

Mission of the One Strong Community on the Hive blockchain

The mission of the One Strong Community is to shape systems and organize members as a unified force for building up the development of real-life and online communities.

We encourage users to post on the Hive blockchain to share experiences and knowledge from all walks of life. We create short and long-term initiatives led by our community leaders and members that focus on our niches of Art & Culture, Business & Finance, Education and Training, and Nonprofit/Charitable Work. To make a more robust network of creators, entrepreneurs, and citizens, we curate and navigate each other's work to continue the support of our chain of ideas.

We want to empower members' actions and the use of the Hive Blockchain in our everyday society to unify our community better. Through the use of the Hive Blockchain, we will provide support to our local city funding in Chicopee. Like Bitcoin, Hive is a tradable asset obtained when a user creates content, upvotes content, or purchases outright through the market utilizing cryptocurrency exchanges.

What is Hive?

Hive has redefined social media by building a living, breathing, and growing social economy - a community where users receive rewards for sharing their voices. It's a new kind of attention economy. (Source: Hive FAQ)

We will form a responsible relationship with online content creating and encouraging One Strong member to utilize our resources appropriately and respectfully to improve others and themselves as a member of society.

Does it cost anything to post, comment, or vote?

No. It is free to post, comment, and vote on content on Hive. Blog. You might even get paid for it!

(Source: Hive FAQ)

Can I earn digital tokens on Hive? How?

You can earn digital tokens on Hive by:


By sharing your posts, you can earn upvotes from community members. Depending on the upvotes you receive, you may get a portion of the "rewards pool."

Voting and curating

You can earn a curation reward if you discover a post and upvote it before it becomes popular. The reward amount will depend on the amount of Hive Power you have.


Users can purchase Hive or Hive Dollar tokens directly through their Hive wallet using bitcoin, Ether, or BitShares tokens. They are also available from other markets and exchanges, including BlockTrades and Ionomy.


HIVE tokens powered up to Hive Power will earn a small number of new permits for holding.

How are the reward tokens given?

The Hive network continually creates new digital tokens to reward content creators and curators.

Some newly-created Hive tokens go to users who add value to Hive by posting, commenting and voting on other people's posts.

Where does the value come from?

At its root, Hive is simply a points system. However, because this points system is blockchain-based, the points can be traded on markets as tokens. People buy and sell these tokens, and many hold them in anticipation of increased purchasing power for various Hive-related services.

By analogy, Hive is a game system where users compete for attention and rewards by bringing content and adding value to the platform. The rewards people earn are tokens that have market value and are readily tradable. It is similar to how someone playing a video game could obtain a limited item or currency by playing the game. If the money or items are transferable between users, they can sell or buy them on game item markets.

Current Actions in Chicopee led by the One Strong Community

In 2023, the One Strong Community Program is hosting an internship for three high school interns from Chicopee Comprehensive High School.

Charles is continuing his plans to establish the programs of One Strong in many parts of Chicopee to connect with our City Council, Chicopee Education Association, and Out of School Time Programs.

Through our community posts and actions, we hope to expand and showcase the growth in funding possible through the hive blockchain.