Smiley Face Blotter Art.

in The-Salt-Mines3 years ago (edited)

Last night, I was doodling in ms paint. I haven't doodled like this in a while and made a few cool "drawings". I've always been a fan of simple doodles like "Killroy was here". I ended up making a smiley face doodle that I really liked. It reminded me of a tab from blotter art, so I turned it into a blotter sheet! blotter artwork nowadays is too complex and computer generated. It's an image of Pikachu fighting Charizard or something. And if you cut it into squares it's just random orange and yellow shading etc. Each individual tab should always have the same art. Everyone knows that. And it should be original artwork.

Feel free to use this blotter art for NON COMMERCIAL purposes. This drawing/image is for artistic purposes only. Feel free to print it out on blotter paper, frame it and then pin it to your wall!