I hope whoever is reading this has a great day/night!
Espero que quien sea que esté leyendo esto tenga un grandioso día/noche!
Hello! The other day looking at my YouTube feed of the channels to which I am subscribed, I came across an interesting video; Summarizing what the video was about, someone was talking about the amount of SPS you can get by entering the official splinterlands tournaments; that almost nobody enters the tournaments, that you can recover what you spent to enter (usually), that you can make more than $ 100 per season etc etc etc. All good and nice, nothing he said was a lie, but the person didn't mention a tiny and insignificant detail... to join such tournaments you need to have relatively large amounts of staked SPS, which not everyone has.
Hola! El otro día viendo mi feed en Youtube de los canales a los que estoy suscrito, me topé con un vídeo interesante; resumiendo de que trataba el vídeo, hablaba sobre la cantidad de SPS que puedes obtener entrando a los torneos oficiales de splinterlands; que si casi nadie entra a los torneos, que si puedes recuperar lo que gastaste para entrar, que si puedes hacer más de 100$ por temporada etc etc etc. Todo bien y bonito, nada de lo que decía era mentira, pero la persona no mencionó un detalle minúsculo e insignificante... para unirte a tales torneos necesitas tener cantidades relativamente grandes de SPS en stake, cosa que no todo el mundo tiene.
Putting aside my opinions as to why refraining from mentioning such information is wrong, I started reviewing the staked SPS amounts needed to enter tournaments and was surprised that there are several tiers, so I decided to make a list of SPS stake tiers out there regarding tournaments. However it ended up taking me longer than necessary to collect the information as I had to go into each tournament individually and type data of my research manually (since you cannot select words on the splinterlands tournaments page to copy and paste). And to top it off, there were a LOT of tournaments.
Dejando de lado mis opiniones sobre el por qué evitar mencionar tal información está mal, me puse a revisar los montos de SPS en stake necesarios para entrar a los torneos y me llevé la sorpresa de que hay varias "tiers", así que decidí hacer una lista de las tiers de stake de SPS que hay con respecto a los torneos. Sin embargo me terminó llevando más tiempo de lo que pensé originalmente recabar la información pues tenía que entrar en los detalles de cada torneo individualmente y escribir los datos manualmente (ya que no puedes seleccionar palabras en la página de torneos de splinterlands para hacer copia y pega). Y para rematar, eran un MONTÓN de torneos.
Without further ado, here is the list.
Sin más preambulos, aquí está la lista
Tier A: 46,762 - 134,696 SPS
Tournament name (Nombre del torneo) | Amount of SPS needed in stake (Cantidad de SPS necesaria en stake) | POWER needed (PODER necesario) | League (Liga) | Special rules (Reglas speciales) |
The wealthy gambit | 134,696 | 3,617,489 | Diamond | Gold cards only |
Gold encased diamonds | 107,757 | 3,617,487 | Diamond | Gold cards only |
Alpha lords - gold foil diamond | 73,658 | 1,978,200 | Diamond | Gold cards only |
The shiny path | 67,833 | 1,821,775 | Gold | Gold cards only |
League of champions | 48,985 | 657,790 | Diamond | None |
The wealthy gambit - Modern | 46,762 | 1,255,877 | Diamond | Gold cards only, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Tier B: 21,585 - 37,410 SPS
Tournament name | Amount of SPS needed in stake | POWER needed | League | Special rules |
Modern gold encased diamonds | 37,410 | 1,255,877 | Diamond | Gold cards only, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Diamonds to the victor | 36,739 | 657,790 | Diamond | None |
Alpha lords - Gold foil gold | 35,969 | 966,000 | Gold | Gold cards only, alpha edition only |
Diamond A-game | 26,392 | 176,776 | Diamond | Alpha edition only |
Golden rule - Silver | 24,720 | 663,888 | Silver | Gold cards only |
All the pointy things | 24,363 | 327,150 | Gold | None |
The shiny path - Modern/Modern shiny path | 24,143 | 648,400 | Gold | Gold cards only, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Golden rule - Bronze | 21,585 | 579,713 | Bronze | Gold cards only |
Tier C: 8,637 - 17,274 SPS
Tournament name | Amount of SPS needed in stake | POWER needed | League | Special rules |
Diamonds to the victor - Modern/Modern league of champions | 17,274 | 231,966 | Diamond | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Alpha lords - Gold foil silver | 14,522 | 390,000 | Silver | Gold cards only, alpha edition only |
Alpha lords - Gold foil bronze | 13,405 | 360,000 | Bronze | Gold cards only, alpha edition only |
Silvershield knights are recruiting | 11,988 | 114,989 | Silver | None |
Gold A-game | 10,241 | 68,760 | Gold | Alpha edition only |
Modern golden rule - Silver | 9,957 | 267,413 | Silver | Golden cards only,untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Modern all the pointy things | 9,051 | 127,580 | Gold | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
N00b diamonds to the victor - Modern/N00b modern diamonds to the victor | 8,637 | 115,983 | Diamond | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Tier D: 2,370 - 7,950 SPS
Tournament name | Amount of SPS needed in stake | POWER needed | League | Special rules |
Modern golden rule - Bronze | 7,950 | 213,513 | Bronze | Gold cards only, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Bronze blunderbuss | 5,850 | 39,281 | Bronze | No legendary summoners |
N00b modern all the pointy things | 4,750 | 63,790 | Gold | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Modern silvershield knights are recruiting | 4,723 | 50,744 | Silver | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Silver A-game, | 3,235 | 21,720 | Silver | Alpha edition only |
Bronze blunderbuss - Modern | 2,370 | 14,466 | Bronze | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
N00b modern silvershield knights | 2,362 | 25,370 | Silver | Untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Tier E: 600 - 1,988 SPS
Tournament name | Amount of SPS needed in stake | POWER needed | League | Special rules |
N00b modern golden rule - Bronze | 1,988 | 53,378 | Bronze | Gold cards only, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
Bronze A-game | 1,376 | 9,240 | Bronze | Alpha edition only |
Chaotic Kobold mining expedition | 1,201 | 701 | Novice | No legendaries |
Bronze blunderbuss - Modern N00b/N00b modern bronze blunderbuss | 1,185 | 7,233 | Bronze | No legendary summoners, untamed, dice and chaos legion editions only |
N00b gold rule - Bronze | 1,149 | 30,866 | Bronze | No legendaries, gold cards only |
N00b Kobold mining expedition | 600 | 350 | Novice | No legendaries |
Note: You can rent the POWER to participate in each tournament.
Nota: Puedes alquilar el PODER para participar en cada torneo.
The minimum amount of SPS you need to have staked to enter the cheapest tournament is 600, as opposed to the most expensive tournament you will need a staggering 134,696 SPS, wow! If we put the SPS price at $0.11, you would need $14816 to buy and stake that amount of SPS, impressive.
El monto mínimo de SPS que necesitas tener en stake para entrar al torneo más barato es 600, en contraposición, para el torneo más caro necesitarás la asombrosa cantidad de 134.696 SPS, waoh! Si colocamos el precio del SPS a 0.11, necesitarías 14816$ para comprar esa cantidad de SPS, impresionante.
I should add that for several of these tournaments, the fee you'll have to pay to join the tournament will increase dramatically if you're in a higher league than the tournament (this is especially more common in silver and bronze than gold and diamond, where I believe which is non-existent), so before you buy and stake the SPS you need to decide if you are going to stay in that league to make sure you get into as many tournaments as you can or would you rather go up and up the leagues.
Debo añadir que para varios de estos torneos, la cuota que deberás pagar para unirte al torneo aumentará de forma exagerada si estás en una liga superior a la del torneo (esto es especialmente más común en plata y bronce que en oro y diamante, donde creo que es inexistent), así que antes de comprar y poner el SPS en stake, debes decidir si te vas a quedar en esa liga para asegurarte de entrar en tantos torneos como puedas o prefieres subir y subir de ligas.
If this information has been useful to you, please let me know, it took me a lot to gather all the info and you would make me happy with that! Thanks for reading, take care!
Si esta información te ha sido útil, házmelo saber por favor, me costó mucho reunir toda la info y me alegrarías el rato con eso! Gracias por leer, cuidate!
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"Gotta selection a good things stranger"
Do you want to try Splinterlands? You can use my referral link (https://splinterlands.com/?ref=amaillo-m), if you do I can delegate some cards that will help you rise in ranks faster!
¿Quieres probar Splinterlands? Puedes usar mi link de referido (https://splinterlands.com/?ref=amaillo-m), si lo haces puedo delegarte (es decir, prestarte) algunas cartas que te ayudarán a subir más rápido de rango!
Hey, if you want to get some extra income in Hive (because yeah, never is enough income xD), why do not to try Rising Star? And also Cryptobrewmaster!, both of them are good and easy games! HUH?! did you don't like games?! O_o. Well you can try eXode which is a bit more strategic and also you will receive 2 alpha packs when join, ah? You do not like to think ?!
Oye, si quieres obtener un ingreso extra en Hive (porque sí, nunca hay suficientes ingresos xD), ¿por qué no pruebas Rising Star? Y también Cryptobrewmaster!, ¡ambos son juegos buenos y fáciles! ¡¿EH?! ¡¿No te gustan los...juegos de solo dar clicks?! O_o. Bueno puedes probar eXode que es un poco más estratégico y donde puedes recibir 2 paquetes alpha al unirte ,Ah? No te gusta pensar?!
Welps, you can emm get PIZZA here and stake 20 PIZZA , to get some more PIZZA and also be capable of give pizza in your comments! What?! The pizza makes you fat u say? O_o (note: you can still be capable of give pizza just by holding 20 tokens). Also, why no join to our DISCORD? We have $PIZZA and games!
Bueno, puedes conseguir PIZZA aquí stackear 20 PIZZA, para conseguir más PIZZA y también ser capaz de regalar pizza en tus comentarios! ¡¿Qué?! La pizza engorda, dices? O_o (nota: puedes otorgar pizza aún solo si holdeas 20 tokens). Además, por qué no unirte a nuestro DISCORD? Tenemos $PIZZA y juegos!
Ok, you can also delegate some of SPT to (@)monster-curator to get some pasive SPT (in case you aren't doing nothing with it).
Ok, también puedes delegar algo de SPT a (@)monster-curator para obtener algo de SPT pasivo (en caso de que no le estés dando uso para hacer curaciones/dar votos).
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