Risingstar The story of Raj and Harold [ES/EN]

in Hive NFTGame Latino3 days ago (edited)

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Risingstar Raj y Harold


Raj es un bailarin de coreografías de peliculas de la india, su gran trayectoria en numerosos filmes con complicados bailes junto a su grupo de bailarines lo consagraron como una estrella, cualquier baile que este inventara en una pelicula de accion de la india, literalmente lo hacían super viral como tendencia en tiktok asi como en todas las redes con gente imitando sus bailes como retos.

Raj is a dancer of choreographies of Indian movies, his great trajectory in numerous films with complicated dances along with his group of dancers consecrated him as a star, any dance that he invented in an Indian action movie, literally made it super viral as a trend in tiktok as well as in all the networks with people imitating his dances as challenges.

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Un dia el lugar de la India donde filman estas películas conocida como "Bollywood" sufrió un gran incendio y todo el lugar que es una mini ciudad quedo en cenizas.
Algunos concluyeron que se debio a una mala instalación eléctrica de estos viejos edificio, pues como sabemos estos filmes de (accion de espias con superpoderes a lo superman) siempre son en lugares muy caseros y de bajo presupuesto.

Raj con su fe puesta en alto, intento levantar de nuevo la ciudad quemada, Muchos fans de la india trataron de aportar, pero grandes investigaciones de la policia local desvelaron que estos fondos se los robo un politico de mala fama, asi que la idea de resurgier esto se fue al drenaje, muchas personas del medio (quienes manipularon a los cantantes y bailarines) luego de el escandalo fueron a la carcel, asi mismo el dinero decomisado de los robos se estanco y nunca se devolvió.

One day the place in India where they film these movies known as “Bollywood” suffered a big fire and the whole place which is a mini city was left in ashes.
Some concluded that it was due to a bad electrical installation of these old buildings, because as we know these films (spy action with superpowers like superman) are always in very homemade places and low budget.

Many Indian fans tried to contribute, but major investigations by the local police revealed that these funds were stolen by a disreputable politician, so the idea of reviving this went down the drain, many people in the middle (who manipulated the singers and dancers) after the scandal they went to jail, as well as the money seized from the thefts stagnated and was never returned.



Con su Lugar natal hecho cenizas y sin medios para surgir de nuevo, Raj decidido empezar de nuevo pero ese sueño lo llevaria a la otra parte del mundo, a Norte America.

Al incio Raj fue financiado por entuciastas y fans indues de norteamerica, y pues pese a que su estilo de peliculas son algo muy repetitivas( ser un super espia con superpoderes que solo Chuck Norris le da un cara a cara) poco a poco con su exentricidad y carisma junto con los elaborados bailes en coreografia, empezo a ganarse a aquel publico Americano que desconocía su existencia.

With his hometown in ashes and no means to rise again, Raj decided to start over but that dream would take him to the other side of the world, to North America.

At first Raj was financed by North American enthusiasts and Indian fans, and although his style of movies are very repetitive (being a super spy with superpowers that only Chuck Norris gives him a face to face) little by little with his exentricity and charisma along with the elaborate choreographed dances, he began to win over the American public who did not know of his existence.


Poco a Poco Raj destaco, medios de entrevistas y noticieros empezaron a presentarlo como una nota pequeña de curiosidad, pero poco a poco sus bailes bizarros y hasta divertidos lo llevaron al altar de los memes...y pues con redes sociales surgio de nuevo y esta vez como alguien de presencia firme.

la gente de america lo empezo a ver como un excelente bailarin musical. Aunque el mundo no esperaba para nada de Raj en su ultimo filme tambien debutara como cantante, cosas que nadie espera este personaje las reluce para generar una reaccion en un publico desprevenido.
Asi la fiebre del baile indu y musica electronica con pasos exentricos llego de nuevo.

Little by little Raj stood out, media interviews and newscasts began to present him as a small note of curiosity, but little by little his bizarre and even funny dances took him to the altar of memes ... and then with social networks he emerged again and this time as someone with a strong presence.

The people of america began to see him as an excellent musical dancer. Although the world did not expect Raj to make his debut as a singer in his latest film, things that no one expects, this character shines to generate a reaction in an unsuspecting audience.
And so the fever of induced dance and electronic music with exentric steps came again.


Raj hizo aun mas popular con nuevos videos musicales, asi que se enfoco en entretener a las masas y decidio dedicarse mas al entorno del espectaculo de la musica.
Sin pensarlo 2 veces hizo conciertos y lleno estadios demostrando que no todo es efectos especiales en cine, si no una acción en vivo junto al publico en la tarima.

Raj became even more popular with new music videos, so he focused on entertaining the masses and decided to enter more into the background of the music show environment.
Without thinking twice he did concerts and filled stadiums proving that it's not all special effects in movies, but live action with the audience on stage.


Harold era un simple extra para distraer a los paparazzis, ya que "su gran similitud con Enrique Iglesias" le aseguro su puesto como doble de este.

Mientras Harold simulaba ser el artista entrando a centros comerciales y hacer cosas triviales, Enrique iglesias tenia su ronda de sexo y drogas en hoteles con hombres y mujeres.

La vida de Harold dio un vuelco cuando Enrique murio de sobredosis, y los agentes de Enrique trataron de que Harold siguiera en su lugar para no decaer el negocio.

La vida parecía hecha para Harold, al fin el podría al fin cantar sus propias composiciones las cuales Enrique cuando estaba en vida las descartaba rebajandolo a sus composiciones como inútiles.

Harold was just an extra to distract the paparazzi, since “his great similarity to Enrique Iglesias” secured him his position as his double.

While Harold pretended to be the artist by going into malls and doing trivial things, Enrique Iglesias had his round of sex and drugs in hotels with men and women.

Harold's life was turned upside down when Enrique died of a drug overdose, and Enrique's agents tried to keep Harold in his place to keep the business going.

Life seemed made for Harold, at last he could at last sing his own compositions which Enrique when he was alive dismissed as useless.



Por desgracia la familia del verdadero cantante no acepto que sobre explotaran su nombre con un doble, el funeral se hizo publico y todo el futuro que Harold se construyo con su imaginación, cayo como castillo de naipes.

Unfortunately the family of the real singer did not accept that his name was overexploited with a double, so the funeral was made public and the whole future that Harold built with his imagination, fell like a house of cards.


Harold paso a ser aun ente totalmente anónimo, pues la empresa decidió no divulgar su existencia como doble del artista original,

Harold continuo de forma normal en puestos menores como el hombre de utilería recogiendo parlantes de sonido e instrumentos en conciertos de otros cantantes que entraba y salían de escena en los estadios.

Un dia Harold fue descubierto por una audición de Raj.
En esta Raj queria hacer un video parodia de Enrique, asi que aun desconociendo la existencia del doble convoco un casting.
con facilidad Harold supero a sus competidores, sus expresiones y simulacro en tarima eran exactos al artista fallecido.

Harold became a totally anonymous entity, as the company decided not to disclose his existence as the original artist's double.

Harold continued as normal in minor positions as a prop man picking up sound speakers and instruments at concerts of other singers entering and leaving the stage at stadiums.

One day Harold was discovered by Raj's audition.
Raj wanted to make a video parody of Enrique, so even though he was unaware of the existence of the double, he called a casting call.
Harold easily surpassed his competitors, his expressions and onstage simulacrum were exact to the deceased artist.

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Raj exigia nuevos pasos acordes a su tan llamativa coreografia Indu, Harold aprendio los bailes sin descanso hasta estar a la altura para el show, entre ambos Raj y Harold hicieron un buen video musical.

Raj demanded new steps to match his flashy Indu choreography, Harold learned the dances relentlessly until he was up to par for the show, between them Raj and Harold made a good music video.

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Raj al ver que la llama del espectáculo corre dentro de Harold decidio darle la oportunidad para que este diera ideas para componer canciones.

Para su sorpresa Harold ya tenia muchas canciones en mente que en su momento su anterior patrón descarto (y la razón no era que fueran tontas, "si no que eran brillantes" y el artista Enrique tenia celos de este, pero no quería admitirlo).

Harold y Raj ahora son un duo muy famoso, atrás quedo el Harold que asociaban con un hombre de utilería que estaba tras bastidores, ya que sus habilidad de baile y destreza para componer en diversos ritmos musicales le dieron ese plus de ser mejor.

Mucha gente critica aun a Harold, (que el tipo usa demaciados filtros sinteticos en su voz) o que el ritmo de musica electronica esta muy saturado de efectos.

Raj seeing that the flame of the show runs inside Harold decided to give him the opportunity to give him ideas to compose songs.

To his surprise Harold already had many songs in mind that at the time his previous employer discarded (and the reason was not that they were silly, but that they were brilliant and the artist Enrique was jealous of him, but did not want to admit it).

Harold and Raj are now a very famous duo, and the old Harold who was associated with a backstage prop man is now a thing of the past, as his dancing skills and ability to compose to various musical rhythms gave him that extra edge of being better.

Many people still criticize Harold, (that the guy uses too many synthetic filters on his voice) or that the rhythm of electronic music is too saturated with effects.



Un dia Raj en una entrevista en vivo y "confiado de las habilidades de su amigo" dejo a Harold cantar a acapela, "la gente quedo atónica al ver que no eran filtros" y que el tipo sabia cantar muy bien, asi que atras quedaron los haters en las redes que le hacian conspiraciones y mala fama a Harold.

Raj y Harold aun componen y hacen conciertos.
Esta semana estrenan juntos una pelicula de accion donde son un duo de policias con superpoderes de artes marciales de forma super exagerada, pero bueno, que haces aqui, ve a comprar tu entrada que después del filme harán un baile coreografiado en el estadio con su equipo de bailarines.

One day Raj in a live interview and “confident of his friend's abilities” let Harold sing acapella, “people were stunned to see that they were not filters” and that the guy could sing very well, so the haters in the networks that made conspiracies and bad reputation to Harold were left behind.

Raj and Harold still compose and do concerts.
This week they premiere together an action movie where they are a duo of cops with super martial arts superpowers in a super exaggerated way, but well, what are you doing here, go buy your ticket and after the movie they will do a choreographed dance in the stadium with their team of dancers.






pixabay, unsplash,pexels, risingstargame
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Aquí hubo de todo!! Acción, baile, redes sociales. Como si fuera toda una película de Bollywood. Tienes mucha imaginación. Saludos