Hehe, I know all of these things and it’s obvious how much the whole system has failed, beginning from the simplest unit which is the family.
It’s sad that our doctors and health professionals are not paid just enough to help them survive and that has directly affected the whole health system.
You shouldn’t back out on making your suggestions, you have to and I’m sure that even as you do it, you will figure our some ways you as someone in the field can do better and also encourage your colleagues too.
It’s definitely not an easy process but then, if you give up on it, I give up too, then it means we are accepting what we have now as the new norm. Someone once said that, what you are not changing, you are accepting and it’s the reality of so many countries today, particularly Nigeria.
Not that I don't know that, it's just that Nigeria is filled up with people who just don't want to change at all... People who aren't devoid of ideas but just fails to implement any
It's sad