Today in "Phoenix is anal retentive passionate about his compost," we are faced with the question: are the bristles on a bamboo toothbrush compostable? I didn't think so, but I also didn't want to chuck the whole thing in the bin and have it creating methane in a landfill.
So what to do?
Saw the head off, naturally.
It did occur to me that here I am breaking out the saw to save a stick of wood from the landfill, and people right outside are chucking their single-use garbage on the ground, literally meters away from a dumpster...
On that note, one of the local taggers in my area actually spray painted near where I always clean up, "use your own damn dumpster," and he signed it with his tag. I LOLed. Solidarity, my friend. Me with my chalk and you with your spray paint, and doing #litterwalk -s in the same place for I don't know how long now can dream that other people might be prompted to give half a shit.
ANYWAY, I just had to share my amusing little task today. Earlier a prepared a pack with #ophumanangels gear so I can go on opping adventures with it later, so that made me happy. :) Last night I also started watching American Gods on DVDs from the library and I love it so far! What have y'all been up to?
Stay green,
Phe :)