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RE: Longer Intro Post, and Calling Out The OCD Community

in HIVE Beauty Group3 years ago

I'm surprised anyone thinks this is bad for me, lol.

We pretty much own HIVE now, and have a Deplatforming Unfair Practices case for the Texas AG.


You sound well versed in the law, can you tell me what evidence you have to support your claim that 'the law' applies to me simply because you and your friends say that it does?

Me and you can't get together and vote our rules onto other folks, what gives whomever you would like to implicate the right to do something that nobody else can do?

They call me a criminal if I force my rules onto others.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Americans, etc, are under the Jurisdiction of Congress,

If me and my friends can't write our rules down and force them onto you, how is it that me being in a specific geographical area somehow conveys this 'right', that nobody else has, to you and your friends?