Virgin Media, possessed by Liberty Global (O:LBTYA), on Thursday detailed a rupture that permitted unapproved access to the link organization's database that contained individual data of around 900,000 clients.
The organization said the rupture didn't occur because of a hack yet happened as the database was inaccurately designed. The database did exclude any passwords or budgetary subtleties and was available from April 2019 until Feb. 28, 2020, it included.
The database, be that as it may, included restricted contact data, for example, names, home and email locations and telephone numbers.
Virgin Media CEO Lutz Schuler said the organization as of late got mindful of the issue and promptly shut down access to the influenced database.
The organization, which is leading a continuous examination, said it accepts the database was gotten to at any rate once yet doesn't have the foggiest idea about the degree of the entrance.
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