Pemilik klub Nottingham Forest, Evangelos Marinakis, mengaku dirinya positif terjangkit virus Korona Covid-19. Pria berusia 52 tahun itu mengklaim dirinya dalam keadaan baik-baik saja kendati terpapar virus tersebut.
Lewat akun Instagram, pria berkebangsaan Yunani itu mengumumkan sudah terpapar virus Korona Covid-19. Namun, Evangelos Marinakis bersikeras dirinya sudah mengikuti saran dokter untuk mengisolasi diri setelah didiagnosa terjangkit virus Korona.
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My name is Jesus Christ and I do not condone this spamming in my name. Your spam is really fucking annoying @hiroyamagishi aka @overall-servant aka @olaf123 and your spam-bot army. This is not what my father, God, created the universe for. You must stop spamming immediately or I will make sure that you go to hell.
If anybody wants to support my eternal battling of these relentless religion spammers, please consider upvoting this comment or delegating to @the-real-jesus