Come back again with me, On this ocassion, I would like to tell some thing about The wonderful at seulawah agam mountain, The scenary on the top is very nicely.
Gunung Selawah, famous for its gunong with humid hills and also closed, sometimes rarely do people dare to climb to this mountain, especially coupled with the famous ghost of Halimah on the Seunapet bridge in the Seulawah settlement.
Sometimes there are also the same obstacles felt by other climbers, one of which is meeting the ghost of Halimah. Many place have a stories same that.
Even residents who are in the Selawah Mountain area, sometimes never have to climb to the Selawah Mountain, Indeed, at the top of this Selawah Mountain the view is not so beautiful with views with other mountains in Aceh, because in this mountain the forest is famous dense and jungle.
On the way we also experienced a few obstacles experienced by other climbers, one of which was the obstacle, There is one star, If the Acehnese call it disabled, Pacat is almost the same as a worm animal, but this animal looks more small This beast.
When climbing it while it sucks blood at its feet, Until it grows large, and when it is bitten by the beast, It is rather difficult to pull it out, For it is slippery.
1 | Category | The light of aceh mountain |
2 | Processed | vsco |
3 | Location | Seulawah agam - Aceh - Indonesia |
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