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RE: Genesis League Soccer: A first look at the whitepaper

I am really excited after seeing the whitepaper, however I will start with a slow approach. I still want some more SPS first and that definitely has more priority for me. Probably going to stake my coins and see what happens. I am not keen on dumping the airdropped tokens, because I trust the Splinterlands company to make this a success as well and showing them some support.


I think it's a good strategy to collect more SPS because the SPS stake will provide a daily airdrop in the GLX token for a whole year. So the more SPS, the more you will get for this game. So the advantages of staking SPS are mainyfold:

  • sps earnings
  • voucher earnings
  • GLX airdrop
  • all the things where staked sps is necessary in SL :-)