Hiiiiiii! Sorry I disappeared for a few days. I'd replied in my head to your comment with your charts and realised just now that I hadn't actually written it down!
So... firstly, are you sure you're happy to have your date of birth on here? I get a little worried regarding security. So just a reminder if you want to remove them! (Or just scribble over your birth details!)
There are aspects of these charts that don't surprise me. I see a teacher (Defined Head and Ajna Centres) and I see someone who can communicate differently in different environments and with different people (Undefined Throat Centre). You can Google the terms I've put in parentheses to learn more about what these mean.
For the record, your Incarnation Cross is also different between the two charts, in this case it's because your Profile changed. (The 4/1 is very rare and very different to the other 11 Profiles). My GUESS is that you MIGHT be a 5/1, because 5's are OFTEN teachers. But that's not 100% the case all the time. If you're interested I would Google 4/1 and 5/1 Profiles and see which one sounds the most like you.
Also, your Design Moon changes from 36.6 (Gate 36, Line 6) to 25.2 (Gate 25, Line 2). This bit is waaaaay too deep for you to get your head around right away. But if you do find yourself diving into HD then it's important to realise the Moon placement changed.
There are some other tiny differences between the charts but it would take you years of study before you'd understand that level of nuance anyway. So have a Google and see what you learn about yourself.
The most important things to look up and understand about yourself (if you want to live a really aligned, authentic life with relationships that work really well and work that is as meaningful and enjoyable as possible) are the terms:
- Generator (Type)
- Sacral (Inner Authority) &
- Wait to Respond (Strategy)
Okay. I'll stop now. Occupational enthusiasm got the better of me :P
Hahaha, it happens to me all the time! And then people why I think it's them who stopped communication.
As for my birthday, there is no connection of it whatsoever to my Hive keys or my Keychain password. Also, various offices of various governments already have it stored somewhere, not to mention numerous tech giants. Besides, isn't it supposed to be flattering when someone remembers your birthday? 🎂
Okay, so I gotta look up Defined Head and Ajna Centers, Undefined Throat Center, as well as the Type, Inner Authority, and Strategy, all in terms of Human Design. I was actually going to read into it a bit, and I still want to, it's just that since the entire topic so completely new to me, I'm sure even the most obvious looking basics are going to be huge discoveries for me that need to be digested. But I'll get there. And then I may even write a post about it. 😁
Thanks for sending me off in this direction.
You're so welcome! Happy learning.
And to narrow it down a bit, I can tell you after almost nine years studying this system, THE most important bits to understand the answers to these questions:
What does it mean to be a Generator (Type)?
How do I follow my Strategy of Waiting to Respond (or Responding to Life)?
And how do I make decisions honouring my Inner Authority?
Honestly I'd probably allow yourself many many months to understand, digest and apply these to your life.
😄 It will be a game changer.