Decision making is one of the most difficult thing for everyone to do. Your decision depends on what you want to do or choose,but in everything,we have to make personal decisions on, marriage mate, how many children we want to have, who to visit,help or support, type if skill to learn, go to higher school or not. Even when another person is there to help you, he or she will say, I'm just suggesting,the decision is yours can you imagine that,lol.
Before I go on to write, I want to congratulate all the winners of last week contest and @queercoin for coming up with interesting topic every week. So now let's go on decision making and how it influence others.
This week's topic:
Decisions - How much influence do you think society has on your decisions? Which people do you trust most when looking for information to make your decision? How much influence do you think influencers have on you? Do you think their opinions affect your decisions in any way?
How our society affect our decision
Our society plays a big role in our decision, behavior and thoughts. We have social norms which pressure us to follow the crowd or reject it. Cultural values and beliefs influence our decision especially when it comes to education , family issues. For example, my Dad didn't marry on time not that he decided to do so, but his parents didn't allow him to marry before his senior Brothers. Those years, they believe that first Son must marry first, first daughter must marry first before others can do so. In that situation, his decision has been influenced negatively.
Another challenge in decision making is pear pressure, sometimes, what you want to do is not what your beard want, and because you don't want to feel rejected, you may give in to their decisions instead of your own. This is common among teenagers. Media and advertisement is another factor that influence our decision, some has their bad role model on social media, their social media in-laws are the one making decisions for them.some buy whatever they see on advert and later regret buying it, just because they follow the crowd. They want people to know that they can afford it or they want to show up. These are few points I know that is influencing people decision s today.
People I look on to in making decisions
I have a perfect example of decision making, his name is Jesus, when he was here on earth, he didn't not do anything on his own initiative. He always thinks, pray, ask his father what to do before making decision. Today, I consult God's word the Bible, read example of those who did bad thing and the result and those who did good things and the result. How people handled their challenges and how God helped them. I also read books related to decision making like think and grow rich, think like a Billionaire, rich Dad and poor Dad. All this help me in making decisions.
*Influencers influence on me
The influencers doesn't have any influence on my decision because I don't ask for their opinion when making decisions. I know what they are doing is not really what they are so I don't go to them at all. I did allow my decision to influence others too negatively. I will say this is my own opinion if it is a family meeting or business meeting. I allow others to contribute and at the end,we will come to final decision. If it is all about me, I don't impose it to others to follow my decisions too if the person is of age and can make personal decisions.
Thanks all for reading my contribution in decision making contest, I shared my opinion, I'm open for corrections and suggestions too.
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I think this part is still needed. Maybe I've lost a little faith in humanity and I think that without those rules people would make a mess LOL
This is a great point. We need to have some kind of balance between what our group/society wants and what we think is appropriate. That way we can have like a healthy coexistence with society and maintaining our own individuality.
Friends, family, our society in general can influence us badly if we are not careful