
in QC Community2 months ago

The beginning of Every year is tied with some plenty of resolutions that almost every individual pen down to see how to make it possible.


Making sure they try to see that it works positively for their own growth and advancement.

Some of the craziest things I was guilty of in previous years are what I want to make sure I work on, making the year a better one for me and people who will be around me this year.

I have kept right behind me so many people who would have helped improve me both financially, emotionally, and a lot that would have happened to me.
Simply because I fail to keep a good relationship with them

This is the first I am doing.

*Keep and improve on quality relationships.

Keeping all odds behind and having a good rapon with people around me as I believe this is one way to improve the way of living as human if you have a good relationship with people things get in place things happen even when you don't expect it to happen.

Relationships with people can get you almost everything money can get you even more.

People pay for people not because they have money but because they have good relationships.

Relationship is an asset that no man should discard, it gives value to things even unimaginable, it can place you in a place where money can't take you to.

I could remember, back then in college relationships saved my ass off plenty of things I wouldn't have been able to get on my own but they were brought right to me simply because I created a good relationship with the right people.

In the previous years I used to ignore messages from friends and that has really deteriorated my relationship with such people.
I am here to reverse that. Within my space I have been responding to chats from my friends and that's my first step to making the year a successful one without much stress because I am going to have people help me out with plenty of things.

Explore other means to increase Income.

This is my second plan for the year.
I have tried focusing on my job which does fit in my bills but not to my satisfaction as I have got a lot of things to accomplish but then my Income isn't just enough to keep those things coming my savings is not meant to make all those things come into reality but just like the word implies savings it's just to save me from some bullshit that will come as an emergency.

So I have to keep all acts of laziness aside and look at other means to make more money that will help hit all side achievements without having to touch my major income.

Paying more attention to my Hive platform is one of the strategies to achieve this. There are other means like engaging in some business that will help double my income. I have really thought about it and I have started by buying some grains stored up for later sales which I believe will yield a positive result.

Have a quality rest.

Lastly I have stressed all through the year even though rest should not be a priority but against all odds rest is paramount to enhance a good health as it's said that Health is wealth so whatever wealth you get comes as a result of you being strong to pull through the storm.

So, I will ensure I get a quality rest for me and myself so Even when I am done gathering all that is needed for a good living I will still be strong to enjoy every fruit I have laboured for.

Check on the queercoin community to contribute what you really think about things you can do for the year to make success.


Those are really great goals fam, wishing you the best in this new year ❤️

Fam the topic for this week's contest is:

Creativity - Do you consider yourself a creative person? Do you think creativity is only applied in the arts or is it applied in everything we do? How do you maintain your creativity?

You still have time to post you entry for this week's contest 😉