Sadness is Inevitable But Not Permanent. QC community weekly contest #113

in QC Community3 months ago

Everyone has feelings and those feelings are always changing, it's the same thing with being sad, we all feel sad sometimes (just admit it😄). So just like you can be happy, excited, angry, joyful and other emotions, you can also be sad. But you should know that all these feelings are real and form part of our lives.

Many people often focus on happiness and treat sadness as a useless feeling. But do you know that sadness can make you make choices that will improve your life? For instance, in the process of being sad, you can take your time and reflect or think about your life and the way forward. It doesn't mean you are not coping with the issue but it helps you come to terms with the issue and then move on.

Few days ago, I felt sad because of a problem at home concerning a particular situation. I had to go and reflect on the issue and tell myself it won't repeat itself again. Now that's a reason for feeling sad for me but for others, it could be the losing of a loved one or a friend, being ill, having a bad day, failure, disappointment, relationship issues or break up, and financial worries (this one's for me because I'm not happy when I don't have money.😂)

So what do I do whenever I'm sad? I tend to cry, listen to sad music, go for a stroll alone, or avoid people and be alone. (You could tell me what you do during this time)

No one can stop being sad, it's something that just occurs, but then sadness can be managed by always avoiding negativity, setting your mind on positivity and if a situation arises that you can't handle, know that sadness is inevitable but it is not permanent.

Thank you for reading.❤️🫶✨


Welcome to our community!!

know that sadness is inevitable but it is not permanent

This part is really important to remember, especially when we feel so sad that we start to believe that the sadness will never go away

I agree with you that sadness can actually make one take decisions that will lead to self improvement and growth.
There's nothing bad about feeling sad, it's a normal feeling just like others. When we acknowledge the sadness and then reflect on it, we'll surely be enriched emotionally and physically.