Rain is a wonderful gift of nature.

in CCH4 days ago

Rain is a wonderful gift of nature.When clouds gather in the sky and water falls from those clouds called rain.It usually rains more end of summer or during the rainy season. But the rain is less in winter.

Clouds are needed for rain.Water from rivers seas lakes and other bodies of water evaporates into the sky due to the heat of the sun. These vapors cool above and coalesce to form clouds. When the water content in the clouds becomes high they fall earth as rain.

rain pattern
There are different types of rain.A little rain falls in light rain.In moderate rains the water falls a little more.And in heavy rains water falls very heavily and can last for a long time. Sometimes there is rain accompanied by thunder which is called thundershower.

Benefits of rain

Rain is very important for our life. It keeps plants alive.Eliminates soil dryness and provides water needed for agriculture. Rainwater fills rivers, ponds, canals and reservoirs which meet the water needs of humans and animals. Besides rain reduces the temperature and cools the environment.

rain damage

Although rain is very beneficial excess rain causes many problems.Excessive rains can cause floods, which cause extensive damage to crops homes and human lives.Roads in the city are flooded, causing traffic jams and difficulty in movement.Sometimes human lives are lost due to lightning.

The joy of rainy season

During the rains, the surrounding environment changes completely. The plants become green.Some like to sit at home and have hot tea or pakoras. Again poets and writers write poems and stories about the beauty of rain.

Rain is a unique creation of nature, which is essential for life. It is both a blessing to us and a curse in excess. So understanding the importance of rain we need to learn water conservation and proper use. A beautiful and necessary thing like rain will make life easier and more beautiful if used properly.


Here the rain it's more winter, it's true rain it's a treasure for all 🩷

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