Which is your preference, Quality or Quantity?

in CCH3 months ago

Which is your preference, Quality or Quantity.jpg

Friends, my greetings to all of you. I hope you all are happy and healthy. Friends, some things are very important in life. Like General Knowledge, Finance and Reasoning. I have felt this many times and I have always asked myself what is more important in life, quality or quantity. Many times I have given myself the example of my friends and asked whether I want a thousand friends who are friends just for the sake of saying so or do I want just one friend who is equal to a thousand friends. who in difficult times Who stayed with me in difficult times. So in a way this became the quality of my friendship. My heart answered me that I want quality friendship not quantity, so in this way we can understand this question in different ways.



I always believe that in life, quality should always be promoted and not quantity. Choose quality that does not question our efficiency. Whenever we like a leaf partner, we always look for quality in it. So in this way I promote maximum quality. Like clothes, shoes, medicine, electronics items or any purchased item, I buy only those from branded companies which are full of quality.



I never bargain while shopping because I believe that by bargaining the seller does not get the remuneration as per his efforts and he goes around praising any good quality item and gives it to us at a price which is less than the price. Quality items are available. That's why I go to malls and branded shopping shops only to buy quality items and stay away from bargaining.


If we want to make daily life better and better, we should adopt quality. Let me give you an example that I brought 5 ball pens worth 100 rupees but their ink is not good due to which my writing is not good and on the other hand I brought 2 ball pens worth 100 rupees whose ink is good and my writing is also getting better. Hey and at the same time the speed is also good along with better writing so which ball pen will I buy 5 out of 100 or 2 out of 100. It is obvious that I will buy only 2 pens worth Rs. 100 because if I buy the quality then only everyone will praise my letters and writing and only then will I have value. So this is why I advise that quantity will end but the fragrance of quality will always be there, hence move towards quality and not quantity.


This month (11-15 November 2024) we are celebrating International Quality Month in our hospital. The reason for celebrating International Quality Month is that people should understand the meaning of quality management and people should promote quality. We celebrated this International Quality Month by cutting a cake in our hospital. So in this way we have to give a message to the community and promote quality, only then we and our country will move forward and in the same way, if every country in the world moves towards quality, then we can get a world with the best quality.



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