Hi everyone, on this occasion I want to share some photos that I took today. As usual every Tuesday I take lessons.
To follow the base so you can take the Arabic language exam or test, which is one of the requirements for taking part in the thesis trial, a score of 430 is required.
In order to be declared passed, each student is given the opportunity to take it twice. In addition to the Arabic language grades, various other documents are also requested. Coincidentally, today the campus is on holiday.
when he fulfilled the fifth meeting studying with the ustazah, he graduated from the Ulumuddin Islamic boarding school with his bachelor's degree in Banda Aceh and his master's degree also elsewhere. He is now a lecturer and teacher in schools.
Usually the campus will be on holiday for a month to more than a month for each semester. In our faculty, in our building there are several departments including the Arabic language department,
Department of English, Indonesian, Kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and religion teachers, in general the lectures only take 8 semesters, maybe some even have more than 7 semesters.
but there are also those who go past 9 or even up to 14 for various reasons including laziness and so on, friends, everyone needs to know that the IAIN campus was once a swamp.
which was made into a faculty and is now growing until there is a new building for the master's or master's program. We hope that OK, IAIN will immediately go up to the next level.
Again, this is the point, of course, everything is with the permission of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the efforts of students, lecturers and everyone. Hopefully we will be given health and ease to be able to achieve this.
Being able to become professional teachers, teachers who are beneficial to the people of the Indonesian nation and the country, is a source of pride for all parents
That's my post. On this occasion, don't forget to continue to help with my next post. Thank you, see you again