Hi friends, on this occasion I would like to share some photos taken by my friend, this is a view from the outskirts of Takengon
we can see the view of the houses of residents, clean water that usually contains residents washing down here, this is the river flow, we can see for ourselves the water is very clear and wide
this is the water used by residents to clean up, while others they also use PDAM water as water that is suffering to use for cleaning
this city is one of the recreational cities in Aceh, known as the cold city of Aceh, located in the middle of Aceh, Central Aceh, here there are lots of water tourism places
such as rafting, water boats, camping beside Laut Tawar, there are still lots of recreation and things that we can do while we are here, many people during the red date holidays 1
week or weekend holidays they often spend time here grilling chicken, goat meat depending on their taste with friends, family, work colleagues, bosses and so on, it is indeed very cold here
we don't need air conditioning, all we need there is a thick blanket in the morning, we can camp, we can also renting a house there costs from tens of thousands of boarding houses
or sleeping for a day, there are also those that cost more than one million depending on the facilities, the view of the place they provide, so friends who want to go on vacation, I suggest checking first
or look around first on tik tok or on maps, the price of the place that friends who agree are afraid that it will run out, so friends or it is too expensive
this friends can prepare all of your friends' energy funds so that all of your friends' trips are within your estimates, I highly recommend going on vacation to this place but maybe lacking a cellphone
every place here has a parking fee, sometimes we just stop on the edge of an empty river, apparently there is still a parking fee, there are parking locks everywhere
we always stop there is Kang parking, maybe that and there are maybe other small things and so on, it's all okay, the place is okay, the view is there is also a garden here, waterfall
hot water Everything is complete, I highly recommend it for friends who want to go on vacation here if friends don't want to go too far to Sabang
maybe friends can go here in just about 3 hours from the road across Sumatra if from the road brother maybe further if from the plate can be up to 4-5 hours if friends
but the road may be higher because it is closer but another road to the location is more terrible but a little further I often pass through a closer road even though the road is higher and steeper
that's my post On this occasion don't forget to continue to help my next post thank you see you again