Very beautiful photography

in CCH11 days ago

We see one of nature's great beauties—the flowers of the shy creeper. It is easily seen in our surrounding countryside or open land. These tiny pink flowers are soft and delicate like cotton. Their colors are more beautiful among the bright green leaves in the sunlight.

Shy creeper, also known as 'shrinking creeper', is known for its specialty. When it is touched, its leaves immediately wither, as if bowing its head in shame. Hence in Bengali it is also called "Ljjavati" tree. Due to this special feature, children love it very much and touch it again and again with fun.

The scientific explanation of this plant is also quite fascinating. Shy vine leaf cells expand due to water pressure. But when it senses a touch, water rushes away and the cells contract, causing the leaf to close. It defense mechanism that protects plant from herbivores.

This tree not only beautiful but also has many medicinal properties.The roots, leaves and flowers shy vine are used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is said to help heal wounds, reduce inflammation and relieve insomnia. It is even used in Ayurveda and folk medicine for diabetes, digestive problems and skin diseases.

The flowers seen in the picture are very fresh and lively. They bloom in the morning and fall at the end of the day. But the plant grows quickly and naturally spreads around. It usually grows in wild thickets, roadsides and fallows.

The environment of this photo suggests that it was taken from a green nature area. These pink flowers make a charming sight among the green leaves. Such small gifts of nature soothe both our eyes and mind.

This picture reminds us that there are many wonderful plants in nature, whose qualities and beauty we often do not notice. Such images are very important in fostering love for nature, as it makes us aware of our surroundings.

I always write in Bengali and even then I check my posts myself and translate them into English.

My picture captions:


Location Malaysia

Camera used 40 mm ( full-frame equipment) f1.8

Mobile Model Oppo_A60

Photographer @Aktarurzaman