there are many types of stink bugs. this is one of them. walang sangit with a large body size. The stink bug that I show is not a pest on plants. walang sangit stinking easy to identify. that is, from an unpleasant odor. but they will smell when they feel threatened.
stink bugs are insects that are very fond of carcass-like odors and other detrimental odors. and stink bugs are also very fond of fluids in plants.
the second is a dragonfly with a red color. I've shown dragonfly type insects several times. but these are dragonflies of different colors. I hope you like my shoot.
Awesome shots I know it takes patience to get good shots of insects and dragonflies so well done !!
Have a great day
Brilliant shots!
They're both such cute little fellows too aren't they.
Gambar yang bagus.