Empowering Ecotourism Potential in the Leuser Ecosystem |

in CCH3 years ago

Alas River in Southeast Aceh, Indonesia, which is included in the Leuser Ecosystem.


In addition to having the potential for halal tourism, Aceh also has the potential to develop ecotourism through existing natural resources, especially the exotic Gunung Leuser National Park. Unfortunately, the potential for ecotourism has not been maximized so it has not provided added value to the region, society, and the environment.

This view was conveyed by the Deputy Director of Research and Development of the Leuser International Foundation (YLI), Renaldi Safriansyah, when giving a public lecture on "The Economic Value of Environmental Services and Strategies for Sustainable Biodiversity Management in Aceh" to students and lecturers of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh, Wednesday, May 25, 2022.

Renaldi explained the concept of ecotourism which combines the interests of tourism with the responsibility to preserve the environment and provide education to the public. In this regard, Aceh has tremendous potential with biodiversity in Gunung Leuser.

"Unfortunately, so far it has not been worked out optimally. There is a lot of potential that can be sold economically through ecotourism,” said Renaldi who was the speaker with the Executive Director of the Leuser International Foundation, Said Fauzan Baabud, and the Research Associate of the Leuser Indonesia Foundation, Dr. Joe J. Figel, Ph. D, alumni of the University of Central Florida, United States.

He gave an example in several countries, ecotourism is promoted through a simple concept but in favor of the environment while at the same time encouraging public awareness to maintain its sustainability. For example, there are rare trees with only a few trunks and it is forbidden to cut them down.

"Tourists from various countries come to see the tree," said Renaldi, who invited students to participate in preserving Leuser, among others, by becoming rangers.

Meanwhile, Said Fauzan Baabud said, among other things, that the environment/ecosystem has extraordinary economic value, for example, the existence of water sourced from forests and is a vital need not only for humans but also for other sectors such as agriculture and plantations.

"If the existence of the source is not maintained, it will have a comprehensive impact on humans and nature. Likewise, the climate has extraordinary economic value for creating the temperature conditions needed for crops such as coffee," said Said Fauzan.

According to him, if the Leuser Ecosystem Area is not maintained, it will have an impact on coffee plants which are the mainstay of Aceh and Indonesia's commodities. There are still many environmental services that are economically beneficial for humans. "Moreover, the Leuser Ecosystem is the only place in the world where tigers, elephants, rhinos, and orangutans live in one area, so the world's eyes are on this area," added Said Fauzan.

As a researcher, Joe J. Figel talks a lot about the future of three endangered animals, namely tigers, elephants, and rhinos. According to him, it is necessary to grow the support of the community to protect the three animals from extinction. The conflict between animals and humans, said Joe, is caused by their disturbed habitat.

“Tigers and elephants descended on settlements because of the broken food chain. Humans like to eat venison, but deer are tiger food. Likewise, elephants descended into settlements and damaged residents' crops. So, it is necessary to create a harmonious life between humans, animals, and plants," said Joe in front of students and lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University.

Before the general lecture was held, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Leuser International Foundation. Cooperation between the two institutions can be carried out in many aspects, especially regarding research collaboration.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University, Dr Hendra Raza, said the MoU between the two institutions was an extraordinary momentum for lecturers and students to be directly involved in preserving the Leuser Ecosystem Area. "We hope that this MoU will soon be implemented in various forms of cooperation that are not only beneficial for the two institutions, but also for the environment," he said.

The Head of the Management Department, Dr. Naufal Bachri, hopes that similar public lectures can be held in the future with a different theme. In addition to providing knowledge and information to lecturers and students, public lectures from the Leuser management also raise awareness to be more responsible for environmental sustainability, especially in the Leuser area, said Naufal. []



Memberdayakan Potensi Ekowisata di Gunung Leuser

UNIMALNEWS | Bukit Indah – Selain memiliki potensi wisata halal, Aceh juga berpotensi mengembangkan ekowisata (ecotourism) melalui kekayaan alam yang ada, terutama Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser yang eksotis. Sayangnya, potensi ekowisata tersebut belum maksimal digarap sehingga belum memberikan nilai lebih bagi daerah, masyarakat, serta lingkungan.

Pandangan itu disampaikan Deputi Direktur Bidang Litbang Yayasan Leuser Internasional (YLI), Renaldi Safriansyah, ketika memberikan kuliah umum tentang “Nilai Ekonomi Jasa Lingkungan dan Strategi Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati Berkelanjutan di Aceh” kepada mahasiswa dan dosen Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh, Rabu (25/5/2022).

Renaldi memaparkan konsep ekowisata yang memadukan kepentingan kepariwisataan dengan tanggung jawab menjaga kelestarian lingkungan serta memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat. Dalam hal ini, Aceh mempunyai potensi luar biasa dengan keanekaragaman hayati di Gunung Leuser.

“Sayangnya, sejauh ini belum digarap maksimal. Banyak potensi yang bisa dijual secara ekonomi melalui ecotourism,” ujar Renaldi yang menjadi pemateri bersama Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Leuser Internasional, Said Fauzan Baabud dan Research Associate Yayasan Leuser Indonesia, Dr. Joe J. Figel,Ph D, alumni University of Central Florida, Amerika Serikat.

Ia menyontohkan di beberapa negara, ekowisata digalakkan melalui konsep sederhana tetapi memihak kepada lingkungan sekaligus mendorong kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kelestariannya. Misalnya, ada pohon langka yang jumlahnya hanya beberapa batang saja dan dilarang untuk ditebang.

“Wisatawan dari berbagai negara datang untuk melihat pohon tersebut,” ungkap Renaldi yang mengajak mahasiswa ikut menjaga kelestarian Leuser antara lain dengan menjadi rangers.

Sementara Said Fauzan Baabud antara lain mengatakan lingkungan/ekosistem memiliki nilai jasa ekonomi yang sangat luar biasa, misalnya saja keberadaan air yang bersumber dari hutan dan merupakan kebutuhan vital tidak hanya untuk manusia tapi juga sektor lain seperti pertanian dan perkebunan.

“Bila tidak dijaga keberadaan sumbernya, maka akan berdampak menyeluruh bagi manusia dan alam. Begitu juga dengan iklim yang memiliki nilai jasa ekonomi luar biasa untuk menciptakan keadaan suhu yang dibutuhkan untuk tanaman seperti kopi,” papar Said Fauzan.

Menurutnya, bila Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser tidak dijaga, maka akan berdampak kepada tanaman kopi yang merupakan komoditas andalan Aceh dan Indonesia. Masih banyak jasa lingkungan yang menguntungkan secara ekonomi bagi manusia. “Apalagi Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser adalah satu-satunya tempat di dunia ini di mana harimau, gajah, badak, dan orang utan hidup dalam satu kawasan sehingga mata dunia tertuju pada kawasan ini,” tambah Said Fauzan dalam kuliah umum yang dipandu Widyana Verawaty Siregar, Ph. D.

Sebagai peneliti, Joe J. Figel banyak bicara soal masa depan tiga satwa yang hampir punah yakni harimau, gajah, dan badak. Menurutnya, perlu ditumbuhkan keberpihakan masyaraat untuk menjaga ketiga satwa tersebut dari kepunahan. Konflik antara satwa dengan manusia, kata Joe, disebabkan karena habitat mereka yang terganggu.

“Harimau dan gajah turun ke pemukiman karena mata rantai makanan yang terputus. Manusia suka makan daging rusa, padahal rusa itu makanan harimau. Begitu juga dengan gajah yang turun ke pemukiman dan merusakan tanaman penduduk. Jadi, perlu diciptakan kehidupan yang harmonis antara manusia, satwa, dan tumbuhan,” kata Joe di hadapan mahasiswa dan dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh.

Sebelum kuliah umum digelar, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh menandatangani memorandum of understanding (MoU) dengan Leuser International Foundation. Kerja sama di antara kedua lembaga tersebut bisa dilakukan dalam banyak aspek, terutama menyangkut kolaborasi penelitian.

Dekan Fakultas Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr Hendra Raza, mengatakan MoU di antara kedua lembaga tersebut merupakan momentum luar biasa bagi dosen dan mahasiswa untuk terlibat langsung dalam menjaga kelestarian Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser. “Kami mengharapkan, MoU ini segera diimplementasi dalam berbagai bentuk kerja sama yang tidak saja menguntungkan bagi kedua lembaga, tetapi juga bagi lingkungan,” katanya.

Ketua Jurusan Manajemen, Dr Naufal Bachri, mengharapkan kuliah umum serupa bisa digelar ke depan dengan tema yang berbeda. Selain memberikan pengetahuan dan informasi kepada dosen serta mahasiswa, kuliah umum dari pengelola Leuser juga membangkitkan kesadaran untuk lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap kelestarian lingkungan, utamanya kawasan Leuser, ujar Naufal. [ayi]



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