Back To My Hometown And Seeing My Uncle Planting Patchouli Seeds

in CCH2 days ago


Today, after a week did not make any post on this platform, I am back with the story new chapter of my life. I am going back to my hometown after 8 months stayed at the office dormitory of PMI (Indonesia Red Cross) at my regency, Sigli. That was one of very memorable difficult time in my life. A difficult time that is unimaginable to pass and can be survived without the intervention of Allah SWT.

Hari ini, setelah seminggu tidak membuat postingan di platform ini, saya kembali dengan kisah baru dalam hidup saya. Akhirnya, saya kembali ke kampung halaman setelah 8 bulan tinggal di asrama kantor PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) di kabupaten saya, Sigli. Itu adalah salah satu masa sulit yang sangat berkesan dalam hidup saya. Masa sulit yang tak terbayangkan untuk berlalu dan bisa bertahan tanpa campur tangan Allah SWT.

Well, but that is not what will be the main topic of our discussion in this post. A new chapter in my life story I will start with the story of an uncle, he now lives in the house inherited from my grandfather. Uncle Adam, my father's cousin, has just been left by his beloved late wife. Five days ago his wife returned to the embrace of the creator. May the deceased rest in peace by HIS side.

Well, tapi bukan itu yang akan jadi pokok bahasan kita dalam postingan ini. Babak baru dari cerita hidupku akan kumulai dengan cerita seorang paman, beliau sekarang mendiami rumah peninggalan kakekku. Cek Adam, adik sepupu ayahku ini baru saja ditinggal oleh mendiang istri tercintanya. Lima hari sudah istrinya kembali ke pelukan sang maha pencipta. Semoga Almarhumah tenang disisi-NYA.

My Uncle Planting Patchouli Seeds

The patchouli leaf nursery is a perfect distraction for Uncle Adam. He has been doing this activity for the past few months. Sowing patchouli seeds to sell and plant himself. Actually, he is not the only one doing it. Farmers in the MILA District area are actively planting patchouli leaves for the late couple months.

Kebun pembibitan daun nilam menjadi pengalih kesedihan sempurna untuk paman Adam. Sudah beberapa bulan terakhir dia melakukan aktifitas ini. Menyemai bibit nilam untuk dijual dan ditanami sendiri. Sebenarnya bukan hanya beliau yang melakukannya. Para petani di kawasan Kecamatan MILA sedang giat-giatnya menanam daun nilam selama beberapa bulan terakhir.

Patchouli is one of the essential oil-producing plants that is in great demand by the people of Indonesia and even abroad. Patchouli oil is often used as an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and aromatherapy which functions as a binder/fixative and pharmaceutical.

Nilam merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia bahkan mancanegara. Minyak nilam kerap kali digunakan sebagai bahan baku kosmetik, farmasi, dan aromaterapi yang berfungsi sebagai bahan pengikat/fiksatif dan farmasi.