Do they call it TukTuk or Bajaj? The environment looks so neat and clean. The chairs are beautifully crafted 😍 ohh tell me, are those chairs or some kind of shelves?
I hope your foot healed well, so you can continue your amazing journey
Do they call it TukTuk or Bajaj? The environment looks so neat and clean. The chairs are beautifully crafted 😍 ohh tell me, are those chairs or some kind of shelves?
I hope your foot healed well, so you can continue your amazing journey
It depends on the country, Kenya calls it tuktuk and Tanzania Bajaja. Or something like it, but I call it tuktuk.
Yes, those are chairs, handcrafted chairs.
Thank You very much!
We call it Bajay here in Jakarta (written Bajaj), have you ever been in Indonesia?
No, I never been in Indonesia, but I do want to go there! Maybe one day I will make it
I hope you'll make it one day💪
Thank You, me too!