Delicious pizza 🍕
I did a lot of painting today. Didn't cook anything for dinner. And to be honest, I was so tired that I didn't feel like cooking anything. So I ordered a pizza from a cafe.
I ordered a pizza with shrimp, cucumbers. Very tasty pizza.
In an hour and a half they brought me dinner. It is so convenient when there is no time to cook something.
I also ordered juice. But I forgot to take a picture. It went well with the pizza too.
The pizza is very filling. I ate three slices and almost burst. Very hearty, very tasty.
I will order more when I don't have time to cook.
Pizza with cucumber? I want to try that 🤤🤤✨. Sadly, I think we don't have that kind of flavor in our town. 🤧
Very tasty.
At our place, you can tell us what you want to put on the pizza🥰