Sunday is the day to look forward to, the weekend is the time to spend your daily life with your beloved family. Last weekend, I chose to enjoy the beach atmosphere with my husband and children. Playing on the beach while bathing is the time they have been waiting for.
Hari minggu adalah hari yang dinantikan, akhir pekan adalah waktunya menghabiskan keseharian bersama keluarga tercinta. Akhir pekan lalu, aku memilih menikmati suasana pantai bersama suamiku dan anak-anak. Bermain di tepi pantai sambil bermandian adalah waktu yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh mereka.
Even though I live in a city that is fairly close to the beach, I rarely spend weekends there. But this time, I couldn't refuse the request, they wanted to go to the beach this time.
Meski aku tinggal di kota yang terbilang dekat pantai, aku jarang menghabiskan waktu weekend disana. Namun kali ini, permintaan itu tak bisa kutolak, mereka ingin ke pantai kali ini.
As usual, the best time to go to the beach in my opinion is in the morning, besides the comfortable atmosphere, the weather is not too hot. The extreme weather will certainly blacken the skin, I don't want the children to look like their father.
Seperti biasanya, waktu yang cocok untuk ke pantai menurutku adalah di pagi hari, selain suasana nya nyaman, cuaca juga tidak begitu terik. Cuaca yang ekstrem tentu akan menghitamkan kulit, aku tak ingin anak-anak kelihatan seperti ayahnya.
Arriving at the beach, I ordered several types of drinks while opening the breakfast package that I had bought during our trip earlier. The rule is that children have breakfast first, then they want to play on the beach, I invite them with the terms of the time we agreed beforehand at home.
Tiba di pantai, aku memesan beberapa jenis minuman sembari membuka bungkusan sarapan yang telah aku beli saat diperjalanan kami tadi. Aturannnya anak-anak harus sarapan terlebih dahulu, selanjutnya mereka ingin bermain di pantai, aku persilahkan dengan ketentuan waktu yang sudah kami sepakati sebelumnya di rumah.
Three hours is the maximum time in my opinion, so as soon as the weather starts to get hot they can finish playing on the beach as usual. The beach tourism area in our area is fairly universal, not only for tourists, fishermen are also not limited to activities in the area. I think this is unique, while traveling, I can also introduce children to how fishermen work to produce the fish they have consumed so far.
Tiga jam adalah tenggat waktu maksimum menurutku, jadi begitu cuaca mulai terik mereka sudah bisa menyudahi bermain di pantai seperti biasanya. Kawasan wisata pantai di daerah kami terbilang universal, tidak dikhususkan bagi wisatawan saja, nelayan juga tidak dibatasi beraktivitas di kawasan tersebut. Menurutku hal ini unik, sembari berwisata, aku juga bisa mengenalkan kepada anak-anak bagaimana nelayan bekerja untuk menghasilkan tangkapan ikan yang selama ini mereka konsumsi.
So, cch-community friends, that's a glimpse of weekend activities with your loved ones last weekend. What about you, what experiences filled the last day off?
Nah, sahabat cch-community itulah sekilas aktivitas weekend bersama kesayangan di akhir pekan kemarin. Bagaimana dengan anda, pengalaman apa saja yang menjadi pengisi hari libur kemarin?

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here

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I can imagine how you enjoyed weekend with nice family in beautiful beach.
I enjoyed and very satisfaction guaranteed 😅