Keeping your Hope Alive

in CCH2 months ago

Hope Restored

In the darkest times of our lives we may feel hopeless because of the challenges surrounding our lives. You know as humans there are things we face and in the moment hope can be lost. But one thing I have come to realize is that no matter how things turn out to be in our lives there is always the possibility of hope as long as we are alive, it is just there waiting patiently for it to be restored and to get us back on our feet.

In those moments hope can be restored just by us finding strength and having faith to keep pushing on life even when it seems so bad. The point is for us to keep having faith and believing that there's a brighter future that is far better than today.

If you ever get to a point of hopelessness because you think there is no tomorrow, I want to tell you there is always a new day, at this point all you need is inspiration and words of encouragement. Think about the beautiful things God has created, think about the times you had failure and you overcame it and see this one as one of them. You can start to take a step of faith towards your goals and start working on the things you have passion for not necessarily what people think or what but what you want and what makes you happy. It is through our actions and beliefs that we can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Always have it in mind that hope is not something passive but an attitude that needs to be cultivated. It requires our willingness and effort to keep pushing even when there is no reason to, especially in the midst of troubles.
But when we choose to cultivate hope in our hearts, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities and potential.

So if you are feeling lost or discouraged, know that hope can always be restored. Keep the faith, stay strong, and never give up on the belief that better days are just around the corner. Hope is a powerful force that can guide us through even the darkest of times.