Kopelma is an abbreviation of student complex. The Kopelma Monument was built as a from of strunggle and the determination of the Acehnese people to build education. After the approval of the peace agreement bertween the Darul Islam rebels / Indonesian Islamic Army (DI/TII) through the Lamteh Pledge. Aceh is privileged in three fields, religion, culture/custom and education.
To realize the privilege in the field of education, the Acehnese leaders established Kopelma Darussalam. It includes Syiah Kuala University (USK) and Ar Raniry State Islamic Institute (IAIN) which is now know as Ar Raniry State Islamic University. These two campuse are referred to as the “Jantong Hate” of the Aceh people.
The inauguration of Kopelma Darussalam was held on September 2, 1956 by President Soekarno. A quote from Soekarno’s statement was installed on the monument. The quote reads: “Decision gives birth to real work, Darussalam towards the realization of the ideals.”
Kopelma merupakan singkatan dari Komplek Pelajar Mahasiswa. Tugu Kopelma dibangun sebagai wujud perjuangan dan tekat rakyat Aceh membangun pendidikan. Usai disetujuinya perjanjian damai antara pemberontak Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/TII) melalui melalui Ikrar Lamteh, Aceh mendapat keistimewaan dalam tiga bidang, agama, adat, pendidikan.
Untuk merealisasi keistimewaan di bidang pendidikani, maka tokoh Aceh membangun Kopelma Darussalam. Di dalamnya terdapat Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ar Raniry yang kini dikenal sebagai Universitas Islam Negeri Ar Raniry. Kedua kampus ini disebut sebagai “Jantong Hater” rakyat Aceh.
Persmian Kopelma Darussalam dilakukan pada 2 September 1959 oleh Presiden Soekarno. Sebuah kutipan pernyataan Soekarno dipasang di tugu tersebut. Kutipan itu berbunyi: “Tekad bulat melahirkan kerja nyata, Darussalam menuju pelaksanaan cita-cita.”
Prasasti kutipan pernyataan Presiden Soekarno dipasang di bagian depan tugu
Soekarno oh Soekarno...