Calmness / Friday / Late Afternoon in the Capitol Grounds

in CCH10 days ago



Spending time with friends who has pure intentions and real ones gives you the feeling of calmness. You have no worries that everything will fall apart. There are evidences which friendship has became lifetime. Distance isn't something that makes friendship persists. It can be lifetime if it's real.


I'm not feeling well today but not kind that makes me so weak. Sore throat has progressed to cough, and I hope I'll be okay the soonest. I'm prone to cough due to asthma. The weather is a contributing factor because of it's very hot at daytime, and cold in the morning and evening.

Late Afternoon in the Capitol Grounds

The Capitol Grounds is where the official seat of Pangasinan's Governor is located. It is surrounded by parks, and close to the beach. It's a great place for jogging and walking. People also go to this place to unwind. The time when I went there, only few people are around, mostly are sitting in the bench probably spending some time alone.




