It's better to live in silence, without anyone to bother you. In this world when we are surrounded by toxic people, there will always be someone who will stand out to support your peace. They will respect the silence you want to live in. Peace is becoming a luxury nowadays because whether our surroundings or the digital world, there's always disorderliness.
So I was waiting for the mobile bakery, and I heard it's recorded audio. Expecting that it will finally stop by our gate, but it didn't. Well, I think I should prepare rice for breakfast from now on, even the mobile bakery will stop in, I won't buy. 😆
Palms, especially coconuts are everywhere in our town. When you're at the beach (or even close to it), they align in different areas. Aren't palms look fascinating? Meanwhile, there are provinces in the Philippines where coconuts are literally everywhere. I've seen a lot of them in Laguna, Quezon Province, and Aurora Province. In those places, one of their main products is buko (coconut) pie.