Hear the experiences of two 60 year old senior businessmen

in CCHlast year


Every person's experience certainly becomes a lesson for us, whether it is a positive experience or a negative experience, everything will be a lesson and it depends on us taking the experience. Today I am sitting relaxed in a food stall. In front of me there are green beans which I am drinking while listening to two women. who are 60 years old, they are quite old and experienced in business. They are street vendors who sell in traditional markets in the morning, so of course they have learned a lot of lessons in the field and today I heard the experiences of they both.
Hearing the experiences of the two of them exchanging opinions about how they are old enough to interact with consumers in the field, I found good lessons from their mental perspective. Tell me about when they faced various behaviors from consumers and also in terms of experience, the way they interacted and the way they managed money, so that was all experience for me, a beginner trader.
Among the languages ​​that are still heard from them is that if we are ready to become a field businessman, of course we must be prepared for various conditions, rain, wind, hot sun, that is not an excuse for us to continue selling in traditional markets, let alone the behavior of consumers who not according to our wishes and we also have to deal with it well and leave our emotions behind if we become a street vendor. Among other lessons I have learned is that they are patient people and that is the main thing for us to become a trader.
These two female traders are traders who have been playing in the field for a very long time. I see the way they serve customers and the way they interact with other traders, it makes me always pay attention to their movements because I know this will be a lesson for me today, good luck for me. I was able to get to know two businessmen who were my seniors, so I gained a lot of knowledge and I also learned a lot of valuable lessons, both from a positive and negative perspective.
While sharing stories, exchanging views and experiences, we also enjoyed the culinary delights of wet cakes served by the seller on our left, she is a woman who is very strong. Her daily life is selling fried culinary delights that are skinny, old, but still have a high selling spirit in front of us. Of course, our friends can see the existence of culinary and also drinks which become our food while listening to each other exchanging experiences.
This is a series of pictures and also writings that I have put together into a good post for me with their experiences so that this becomes a good post and of course friends should also read and make this an inspiration in the future. When we get older, when we start doing business, whether now or in the future, the point that I really understand is that as a businessman, we must always prioritize patient discipline and of course be friendly in serving customers. Here are some pictures I have taken with the smartphone I have, the Samsung A20s. Hopefully friends like it and greetings to CCH friends and also the seniors in this great community.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh
WA Business+62 8527 0383 497

Best Regards, @jepkupi