Ipomoea carnea

in CCH3 months ago

Yesterday afternoon when I was walking along our rural road with my cousin then I saw this flower. It looks interesting and fascinating. I really like it when I saw it. Its so beautiful. We know that flower are the most beautiful element of nature. I always like all species of flowers. This is so beautiful flower. I saw this flower in our rural road in the last afternoon. In this season this flower are common in our region. This is an Ipomoea carnea. I found this name by searching on Google. It also macro sized beautiful flower. It also known as a grass or wild flower. It is a small but looks so beautiful. This is an off white colour flower.







This I found it interesting to look at. While I was walking through the streets of our village or going to the fields, I see various flowers or insects that make me very fascinated. Especially in our village streets and in our crop fields, there is always a variety of small grass flowers to wildflowers that look amazing. We know that flowers are one of the most sacred elements of the earth and a very beautiful element that is given by the creator and enhances the beauty of the earth. Flowers are one of my absolute favorites and they fascinate me so much.

Yesterday when I was walking along our rural road then I saw this flower were blooming in our rural road. When I was looking at it, it was looking so beautiful. We have a tree growing here. And that tree has such beautiful flowers that look really amazing. I loved it when I saw it this morning. Its name is Eupatorium fortunei. As I was walking along the road I saw this flower was blooming side by road which fascinated me and I took some photographs. Although I found it through google search but it is known as grass flower in our area.


সুন্দর ফুলের ফটোগ্রাফি দেখে মুগ্ধ এই ফুলের ফটোগ্রাফি অনেক সুন্দর ছিল যা আমাদের পরিবেশের জন্য অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।