This is a beautiful flower. Its name is Madagascar Periwinkle. I found this name by searching on Google. Few days ago when I was walking in my cousin home with my little daughter then I saw this flower were blooming their house. This colour so beautiful. I like its colour very much. This is so beautiful to look at. I found it interesting to look at. We know that flowers are one of the most sacred elements of the earth and a very beautiful element that is given by the creator and enhances the beauty of the earth. Flowers are one of my absolute favorites and they fascinate me so much.
Also we can see such flowers blooming in our backyard. Even flowering plants can be seen blooming in many houses around. It is a very beautiful flower and the petals and colors of this flower look amazing. In the afternoon or morning when when I was walking along our road then I saw this flower were blooming in a one side of our road in my cousin home. When I was looking at it, it was looking so beautiful. We have a tree growing here. I loved it when I saw it this morning. Its name is Madagascar Periwinkle. As I was walking along the road I saw this flower was blooming side by road which fascinated me and I took some photographs.
This is a beautiful garden flower. This is a common flower in our area. This is a beautiful flower. It looks so beautiful. This is so amazing to look at. It is a purple color and it is the flower of a vegetable tree. It is really amazing and the flower looks very nice. I like it very much. This is so beautiful to look at. We know that flower is the most beautiful element of nature.
আমি ফুলের নাম হয়তোবা খুব ভালো জানিনা। তবে এই ফুলটি আমাদের বাংলাদেশে নয়নতারা ফুল হিসেবে অনেকেই চেনে। এবং বাংলাদেশের নয়নতারা ফুল হিসেবেই পরিচিত। যাইহোক এই সুন্দর ফুলের ফটোগ্রাফি মুগ্ধ করার মত এটা অসাধারণ ছিল।