Hi everyone, how are you, definitely enjoying everything, thank goodness. Because today is the happiest day for all of us, meet me again here in daily activities with this community Hopefully we can all add to our experience here through the actions of skilled photographers who have joined this community. And here I also want to show some photos which I was able to take yesterday while walking around the countryside and here you can see people's fields that are ready to plant, the land is so wide that it almost reaches the edge of the mountain. this is very It's really beautiful to enjoy, especially in the afternoon wow everything feels comfortable. And on this land the owner will later plant rice. Let's see what the lands are like here. Come on.
This is what it looks like, these lands are still very natural and are managed by the skilled hands of farmers who will later produce hundreds or even thousands of tonnes of rice on this land for raw materials. personal consumption and local communities and even for export abroad. This is all I can show in today's post and definitely look forward to my next post even more interesting.
I took all the pictures myself using my personal smartphone Samsung A022F and I used Indonesian via Google translation, if there are mistakes in pronunciation I apologize.