Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim |
Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.
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Every person's body and mind are never the same, sometimes we feel good and sometimes we feel bad, we get upset for various reasons, especially when we hear something hurtful from other people, we get more upset, and when we are upset Nothing feels good when there is.
In the same way, many times our body is bad, when our body is bad, our mind is also very bad, when we are sick, our body is worse, nothing feels good when we are sick, that is why it is said to learn to value health before getting sick.
Because there are many things that can't be done when we are sick, we don't like to sleep when we are sick, we don't want to do any work, we don't like to go anywhere, we don't even like to eat, we can't get out of bed when we are sick, we have to spend the whole day in bed, and the house It is very difficult to spend the whole day alone inside.
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When you go to the hospital, you see that many people are sick, we need to go to the hospital sometimes, because when you go to the hospital, you can see how helpless people are, different kinds of sick people are lying in hospital beds, many strong people are also lying in the hospital due to illness.
No sickness of man is small, everyone's sickness is very big, even a small sickness makes people very weak, when we are sick we understand how important it is to be healthy, we cannot do half of the work we can do when we are sick, when we are sick People become helpless.
There are many people who have been sick for a long time, those who have been sick for a long time are in a lot of trouble, because they cannot do their work properly, they cannot move without the help of other people, and even do many of their personal tasks with the help of other people. Yes, they live their lives very hard.
For this reason we should all do good work when we are healthy, because we cannot do good work when we are sick, if we cannot do good work when we are healthy then we will regret it when we are sick.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today. |

I feel this post a lot now I suffer actually from a kidney soft infection and a bronchitis 😔 a
I wish you a speedy recovery, thanks a lot for paying attention to my post and commenting.
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