Good afternoon all Hive friends, today I will post, photography | goats
Goats are domesticated herbivores that are usually raised for their milk, meat, and wool. Goats are known for their agility and curiosity, often seen climbing or eating various plants. Goats belong to the Bovidae family, and their scientific name is Capra aegagrus hircus, my friends at Hive.
Goats are often divided into several breeds, some of which are raised primarily for their milk (such as the Saanen and Alpine breeds), while others are raised for their meat (such as the Boer goat),and some are known for their wool,such as the Angora goat, my friends at Hive.
That's all for my post this time, see you in my next post.
Goat Afternoon to you 😀
good afternoon too, goat, he..he..
hahaha, I thought you will not notice that , hahaha