Daily activities of plantation farmers harvesting oil palm

in CCHlast year

Hello Hivean Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


In this post, I want to share my journey visiting the activities of palm oil farmers in the inland areas, along with some photos that I'm sharing in this post. As usual, I always present my photographic content that can entertain all of you.

This journey did not happen today but took place several months ago. I only recently had the time to edit and narrate it in this post.

At that time, I received a call from one of the palm oil farmers. He informed me that they were about to harvest the palm oil. I immediately replied that I would come. Yes, I had long wanted to capture the activities of palm oil farmers.

I thought this was an opportunity I couldn't miss. Right after that, I prepared my photographic equipment, from charging batteries to cleaning lenses.

That morning, after dropping off my children at school, I rode my motorcycle straight to the farmer's plantation who had contacted me earlier.

The journey to the plantation took about an hour. Long story short, I arrived at the palm oil plantation, where the farmers were harvesting the palm fruits.

Since I already knew them, upon arrival, I immediately took out my camera and captured all the activities of the farmers. I documented various activities they were engaged in, from harvesting to loading the palm fruit bunches onto trucks.

Well, that's the story of my journey at that time when I went to the palm oil plantation. I hope this brief story is helpful and entertaining for all of you. Thank you.













Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin berbagi perjalanan saya mengunjungi aktivitas petani kelapa sawit di daerah pedalaman, beserta beberapa foto yang saya bagikan pada postingan kali ini. Seperti biasa saya selalu menyajikan konten fotografi saya yang dapat menghibur kalian semua.

Perjalanan ini tidak terjadi hari ini tetapi terjadi beberapa bulan yang lalu. Saya baru sempat mengedit dan menceritakannya di postingan ini.

Saat itu saya mendapat telepon dari salah satu petani kelapa sawit. Dia memberi tahu saya bahwa mereka akan memanen kelapa sawit. Saya segera menjawab bahwa saya akan datang. Ya, saya sudah lama ingin mengabadikan aktivitas para petani kelapa sawit.

Saya pikir ini adalah kesempatan yang tidak boleh saya lewatkan. Setelah itu, saya mempersiapkan perlengkapan fotografi saya, mulai dari mengisi baterai hingga membersihkan lensa.

Pagi itu, setelah mengantar anak-anakku ke sekolah, aku mengendarai sepeda motorku langsung menuju ke perkebunan petani yang telah menghubungiku tadi.

Perjalanan menuju perkebunan memakan waktu sekitar satu jam. Singkat cerita, saya sampai di perkebunan kelapa sawit, dimana para petani sedang memanen buah sawit.

Karena saya sudah mengenal mereka, sesampainya di sana, saya langsung mengeluarkan kamera dan mengabadikan seluruh aktivitas para petani tersebut. Saya mendokumentasikan berbagai aktivitas yang mereka lakukan, mulai dari memanen hingga memuat tandan buah sawit ke truk.

Nah, begitulah kisah perjalanan saya saat itu ketika pergi ke perkebunan kelapa sawit. Semoga cerita singkat ini bermanfaat dan menghibur kalian semua. Terima kasih.




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All Picture Taken With Sony A7II Camera
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The photographs of palm trees and palm fruits are excellent.

In this post you have given very good information about palm oil cultivation. Cultivation of palm oil also requires a lot of hard work.