Unplanned meeting with Hivers' friends

in CCH3 years ago


Hello hiver

In my post this time, I want to share a story about my meeting with a friend who has not seen each other for a long time. At 12.00 WIB, his cellphone rang indicating an incoming call. At that time, I was driving the car. So I ignored the first call. Well, not long ago, my cell phone rang again. This time I immediately picked up the incoming call.

Postingans saya kali ini, saya ingin berbagi cerita tentang pertemuan saya dengan sahabat yang sudah lama tidak bertemua. Sekiranya pukul 12.00 Wib, Ponselnya berdering tanda panggilan masuk. Saat itu, aku sedang menyetir mobil. Jadi panggilan pertama aku abaikan. Nah, tidak lama berselang, ponselku kembali berdering. Kali ini aku langsung mengangkat panggilan masuk.

He is a friend I haven't seen in a long time. I knew him when I was at a meeting of members of the Indonesian steemit community at that time. However, now we are reunited on hive blog. I can call him BOB KANOT BU.

Dia adalah sahabat saya yang sudah lama tidak bertemu. Aku mengenalnya saat aku di ada pertemuan anggota komunitas steemit Indonesia waktu itu. Namun, sekarang kami di pertemukan kembali di hive blog. Aku bisa memanggilnya BOB KANOT BU.

The point of our conversation on the cell phone, he and I wanted to meet. Because we haven't seen each other in a long time. And we set the time and place at that time.

Inti dari percakapan kami di ponsel, saya dan dia ingin berjumpa. Karena sudah sangat lama kami tidak berjumpa. Dan kami mengatur waktu dan tempat saat itu.

Oh, I also want to talk about him in this post. Yes, maybe this short article can be a keepsake someday. In my opinion, he is a very unique person, especially when he is sleeping. I used to sleep with him in Jakarta. He is also an English teacher at one of the foundations where he lives. In addition, he is also very good at singing. The songs he sings are the result of his own creation. If you want to watch, you can see it in the video below. Oh yeah I almost forgot. She is also a hivean https://hive.blog/@bobreza.

Ohya aku juga ingin bercerita tentang dirinya di postingan ini. Ya, mungkin tulisan singkat ini bisa menjadi kenang-kenangan pada suatu saat nanti. Menurutku, dia orang sangat unik, apalagi saat di sedang tidur. Aku dulu pernah di tidur bersamanya di Jakarta. Dia juga seorang guru pengajar bahasa inggris di salah satu yayasan di tempat dia tinggal. Selain itu, dia juga sangat pandai bernyanyi. Lagu-lagu yang dia nyanyikan merupakan hasil ciptaan dia sendiri. Jika kalian ingin menonton, kalian bisa melihatnya pada video dibawah ini. Ohya aku hampir lupa. Dia juga merupakan seorang hivean https://hive.blog/@bobreza.

Besides that, there is also a bang fuady s keulayu. He is a very popular traditional music artist in our area. I really like the look of it. And if you want to see pieces of music when he performs at an event. You can see it in the video below.

Selain itu, disana juga sudah ada bang fuady s keulayu. Dia merupakan seorang seniman music tradisional yang sangat populer di daerah kami. Saya sangat menyukai melihat penampilannya. Dan jika anda ingin melihat karya-karya musik saat dia tampil pada sebuah acara. Kalian bisa melihatnya pada video dibawah ini.

It didn't feel like almost an hour we were talking to each other and while enjoying the young coconut water that was served by the stall waiter. At that time, I wanted to say goodbye because it was already evening. Suddenly another friend of mine came. That is bang @isnorman. He is also a hivean from Indonesia.

Tidak terasa hampir satu jam kami saling bercerita dan sambil menikmati air kelapa muda yang telah di hidangkan oleh pelayan warung. Saat itu, aku ingin berpamitan karena waktu sudah sore. Tiba-tiba datang satu teman saya lagi. Yaitu bang @isnorman. Dia juga merupakan hivean dari indonesia.

Even though I've known him for a long time. Only this time I was able to talk face to face with him. I really like reading his posts. He is a history writer who is very well known in my area.

Meskipun sudah lama mengenalnya. Baru kali ini saya bisa berbicara langsung secara bertatap muka dengannya. Aku sangat suka membaca postingan beliau. Beliau merupakan seorang penulis sejarah yang sangat di kenal di daerah saya.

However, he has not written a post for a long time. And I invited him to start writing on his blog. There are many very good writings to read. Well, during a brief meeting at that time, I invited him to write again on his blog. And because he is a history writer. I asked him to write about the history of Aceh's relations with Turkey. As we know, Aceh and Turkey have a history in the past. Well, for the scope. Let's just wait for the writings to be published by @isnorman.

Namun, beliau sudah lama tidak menulis postingan. Dan saya mengajaknya memulai menulis di blognya. Sangat banyak tulisan-tulisan yang sangat bagus untuk dibaca. Nah, saat pertemuan singkat saat itu, aku mengajaknya menulis kembali di blognya. Dan karena dia adalah seorang penulis sejarah. Aku memintanya menulis tentang sejarah Hubungan Aceh dengan Turki. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Aceh dengan Turki memiliki sejarah pada tempo dulu. Nah, untuk selangkupnya. Kita tunggu aja tulisan-tulisan tersebut yang akan di publis oleh bang @isnorman.

Well, the point of this short meeting is that I managed to convince those who haven't written on hive blogs for a long time. And they will be active again on their respective blogs. This is a short story of my meeting with a friend who has not seen each other for a long time. Hopefully this short article can be useful for all of us.

Nah, inti dari pertemuan singkat ini adalah saya berhasil meyakinkan mereka yang sudah lama tidak menulis di blog hive. Dan mereka akan aktive kembali di blog mereka masing-masing. Inilah cerita singkat pertemuan saya dengan sahabat yang sudah lama tidak bertemu. Semoga tulisan singkat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

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Best Regards,
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 3 years ago  

I wish we could have a Hive meeting here in the future where I live. Except for a friend of mine, there is no one who uses Hive, among those I know in real life.

The Hive GIF bot is so confused about your LİFE search term that it just commented a random GIF instead! 😅

Have some !LUV on behalf of @savvyplayer to help you type more accurately! 😁

 3 years ago  

Ahahahahaha !LOLZ this is a really weird gif.

Why did the king go to the dentist?
To get his teeth crowned.

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@savvytester, I sent you an on behalf of @mehmetfix

The bot gave you a weird GIF because you gave a weird search term. 🤨😏

Have a !PIZZA on behalf of @savvyplayer to help you avoid making typing mistakes in the future! 😁

Silaturrahmi memperpanjang umur

nice if you can bring them back to hive. It will be nice to see more and more Indonesian are starting to get back writing.

anyway you make bilingual post now? nice om

Yay! 🤗
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Mantaap skli pakkk

 3 years ago (edited) 

Thanks for your precious time sharing with us, brother. It's like a great booster for me to be more active in this platform, especially CCH community after you gave us some inspiring words. I Will see you on my post next..🤗

Btw...This mistyping make me feel like a DUDE!!! Hahahaha

Andai Komunitas Hive Indonesia bisa lebih diberdayakan lagi, pasti kita akan lebih bahagia juga. Bersatu kita tumbuh bersama-sama. 😂


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mehmetfix tipped savvytester (x1) @savvytester tipped @mehmetfix (x1)

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