Lontong Sayur Mie is a popular Indonesian dish that combines rice cake, vegetables and noodles. It is usually served as a filling breakfast or snack and is very common in Indonesia in particular.
Here are the details of the dish:
Lontong (Rice): Lontong is made from steamed rice wrapped in banana leaves, forming a dense rice cake. It is often served as a base for a variety of dishes.
Sayur (Vegetables): This dish usually contains a curry or vegetable broth, often made using ingredients such as cabbage, spinach and sometimes bean sprouts. The vegetables are cooked in a fragrant and slightly spicy coconut milk broth.
Noodles: Thin noodles, often egg noodles or rice noodles, are added to this dish, adding texture and deliciousness.
Toppings: This dish can be garnished with boiled eggs, fried onions and chili sauce, resulting in a complex flavor.
This lontong mie is usually sold relatively cheaply at a price of Rp. 5,000 and if using eggs the price of lontong is Rp. 10,000, this lontong is a breakfast for people in Indonesia.