Ceremony cCommemorating Pancasila's Sacred day

in CCH15 days ago

The ceremony commemorating Pancasila Sanctity Day is held every October 1 in Indonesia. This ceremony aims to commemorate the G30S/PKI incident that occurred in 1965, as well as commemorating the failure of the coup attempt carried out by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). At this ceremony, respect was paid to the revolutionary heroes who died in this incident.

Usually, the ceremony is held at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, which is a historical location related to the G30S event. The event was attended by state officials, community leaders, military, students and the general public. The President of the Republic of Indonesia or his representative usually leads the ceremony.

Apart from the flag ceremony, this event was also filled with reading the pledge and reflections on the importance of maintaining national unity and integrity based on the values ​​of Pancasila. Pancasila Sanctity Day reminds the public of the importance of the Pancasila ideology as the basis of the state which must be guarded and maintained.

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