They Came to Visit

in CCH6 days ago

It's rare that I got to see my family. I haven't been to our place for a long time too. I was so busy, and I think it's better that they're the ones who will come in. That's why they came for a visit. Aside from that, they'll get some stuff from our place so they have multiple purpose when coming in.

Aside from that, they can have my niece stroll over our place.


Took some time to stroll and rest in the Capitol grounds after going to the Library which is just close.


Strolled in this park close to our home, and did biking because my niece loves playing with the bike. Of course, we bought ice cream from a nearby store.


We went to municipal park because there's playground there, and my niece enjoyed her time.



There goes my father and sister as they wait for my niece to get tired from playing in the playground.