Good night hiver at CCH Community! Today I came back here. As usual, I will share some of my collection of images with all of you. This time I want to show some pictures of ladybugs. LAdybug that I found when I went to a tourist spot in my area. I found her walking on pink flowers. At that time, it was raining very hard. At first I wanted to take pictures of raindrops stuck to the grass and flowers. Instantly, I saw a beetle walking on a flower. Well, in my heart, this is my lucky day. Accidentally, I got a very interesting object. The size is not too big. So I had to use a special macro lens for the phone camera. Without thinking, I immediately photographed it from several different angles. Here are some pictures. Hope you guys like it.
That's my post this time, I hope you all can enjoy the Ladybug photos that I share. Enjoy!