The beauty of Ujoeng Batee Beach area !

in CCH2 years ago

Hi Everyone !

This time I want to show some pictures that I took some time ago at one of the beautiful beaches in our city.

And the beach is Ujoeng Batee Beach which has a beauty that is not less beautiful than other beaches so people love to come here.

At that time we came to this beach not to swim or anything else, but just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of the beach while fishing for fish there.

Usually beautiful beaches are full of anglers because this is one of the beach spots that has a lot of fish so many anglers choose to fish here.

But people who come here not to fish are also very much, because this beach is indeed very beautiful. And maybe that's all I can share this time, see you in my next post.



Wa'alaikum salam

salam kenal yaa bg.. sering ngonten di ujong blang yaa bg..?

Ya bg, mancing

salam kenal yaa bg.. bg uda lama buat konten di hive ..? bole belajar berbagi ilmunya kadang bg..🙏

Saya masih pemula juga bg di hive, sama kek abg juga hehe

mantap.. kapan2 duduklah sharing belajar sama2 silaturahmi juga tambah teman..