Very beautiful flowers of weeds

in CCH2 years ago


Very beautiful flowers of weeds

السلام عليكم

On this occasion I would like to share with all my friends a beautiful photo that I found on the side of the shop and of course you will like some of the unique pictures I share by taking pictures and using a macro lens to make it look beautiful

This flower is very wild and can even be found everywhere, but unfortunately this flower is often ignored by people, but as proof of our love for the following plants, you will see beautiful pictures

Let's see from this side this flower or in terms of the name of the weed flower the result of my neighbor's answer because I don't know the name so there are often similarities with other flowers because this flower is almost the same as the butterfly flower

This flower grows often in the rainy season and is also slightly visible next to me during the dry season. This may be the weather that does not support growth because it is very hot, but for those of you who are wild flower lovers or not, look for it when it rains, you will surely find flowers around you.

Here are some of the images I captured for this beloved community








Modelsmi 8
Original Image@uhighboy
Locationlancang barat

This is all I can share on this occasion, I hope you like and entertain see you in the next post